She became a star thanks to adopting the role of erotic myth, but manifesting that she was aware of it and giving her opinion on Michael Bay made Megan Fox's career sink.
Days before starting the filming of Transformers 3, the actress compared director Michael Bay with Adolf Hitler, because according to her "he wants to earn a reputation as a megalomaniac, it is a nightmare working for him"
When she was only two years old, Megan Fox told her mother that she was going to be an actress. At the time, she still didn't know exactly what type, but over the years her own body would make that decision for her. Just turned 30, Fox has appeared in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 dressed as a schoolgirl (and with the camera recreating more in her exposed belly button than in her face) and has given life to the heroine of a video game, Stormfall: Rise of the Balur, whose uniform is a low-cut cuirass. The actress assures that she embarked on this project for two reasons: the fortune they offered her and how identified she feels with her character, a sexy and rebellious warrior who struggles to make her way in a man's world. The third reason, which Megan Fox does not clarify because it is not necessary, is to give a new bait to her fan base. The only one left: adolescent men (physically or mentally). Megan is the latest sexual fantasy, the latest erotic myth, the latest pin-up. Her image is so deliberately sexualized that it almost looks like a star from another era, and almost from another type of cinema. Claiming yourself so explicitly as an object woman could seem too macho and counterproductive for the times. But what if Megan Fox doesn't want to be something else?
With only 17 years old and without finishing high school, Megan fled from her town and from the strict education (no boys, no parties, nothing at all) that her mother and stepfather exercised on her. She did not leave behind any happy memories: she never had any friends, she ate alone in the bathroom so they wouldn't throw bags of ketchup at her, and she only got along with boys, most of them with only one interest in mind. Fox's physique made her a fantasy come true for men, almost straight out of a reggaeton song, and a threat to women, who assumed she was going to steal their boyfriend. When she rose to fame in Transformers, cleaning a car using herself as a sponge and scrubbing it like a genie was about to come out of it, Megan's public image only perpetuated the discrimination she'd suffered in high school. Her half-naked body illustrated hundreds of men's magazines that made her their new muse, while her face hardly appeared in women's or fashion publications. She was 21 years old and Megan Fox was already universally regarded as a "cheap" star. And that she had not opened her mouth. But as soon as she did, she dug her own grave.
In 2008, Fox confessed in an interview with GQ that he is bisexual. According to her, she discovered it at age 18, when she had a relationship with a striptease dancer. Months later, she qualified her statements. "I have no doubt that I am bisexual, but I am also a hypocrite: I would never date another bisexual girl, because that means she also sleeps with men, and men are so dirty that I would never want to sleep with a woman who also has slept with men, "he explained. In June 2009, the actress confessed that technically that lesbian adventure never happened, and that she regretted telling "inflated" versions of her past to male journalists: "They are boys, it is very easy to play with them; I tell them those stories and they eat from the palm of my hand, but not all of them are true, in fact most are lies. " Megan gave a new version about her relationship with the stripper. "We were never girlfriends. I really loved her, but the true story is much more bland. It is not a sexy, funny or fanciful story. But the true story is not the kind of anecdote you tell GQ." That woman was not his girlfriend, but the closest thing Megan has had to a friend in her entire life.
The piñata exploded in his face, containing not candy, but mud and angry emoticons. Several media condemned her for frivolizing about bisexuality to warm up her fans, and an initiative promoted by several men's websites decreed the "day without Megan Fox", during which they would not publish anything related to the actress. "We love Megan", clarified the founder of the protest on his website, "she is responsible for attracting more eyes to our websites than any other famous, it is enough that she appears in some photos walking down the street with a white t-shirt But now is the time to give another young actress a chance to get our attention. " This boycott did not mention how hurt Megan's fans felt in their male pride after being ridiculed by their idol, but it was not necessary. The dates fit too well. The "day without Megan", in addition to spreading the general impression that the actress was beginning to tire the public, intended to give her a wake-up call so that she did not go over the list or bite the hand that feeds her: men's websites They photographed her in her panties until she became a myth, and they could just as easily go off drooling over photos of another. A couple of years later, Megan again splashed salt on the testosterone that kept her career afloat, but in this case she shot the wrong alpha male.
Days before starting the filming of Transformers 3, the actress compared director Michael Bay with Adolf Hitler, because according to her "he wants to earn a reputation as a megalomaniac, it is a nightmare to work for him." Knowing Bay, what really offended him was the nuance with which Fox concluded his portrait of him: "When he leaves the set, and he's not in director mode, I really like his personality, because he's so shy. It has no social tools at all, and it's even endearing. " The actress was fired at once from the saga, and replaced by a Victoria's Secret model. Exactly the same rabid attitude that the promoters of her boycott had shown: today it's you, tomorrow it could be any other pair of pretty legs.
As Michael Bay would explain, the idea of firing her was not hers, but producer Steven Spielberg's. Fox's co-star Shia LaBeouf had something to say about it as well, just as you'd expect of him, and he didn't disappoint. "Megan developed a kind of empowerment from Spice Girl, which made her feel uncomfortable working with a director who many consider lewd like Michael. He shoots women with the attitude of a 16-year-old horny boy, and I think Megan never does. He felt comfortable with this. When Mike asked him for specific positions, there was no time to be delicate, the shoot goes very fast. And Mike has no tact, he did not have time to politely ask him to please arch his back 70 degrees. " This means that Bay probably didn't even learn Megan's name during filming, substituting parts of her body for it.
Megan Fox's professional debacle comes, in large part, from men offended that the actress did not want to be her kitten. She complains that half the roles she is offered are prostitutes, but at the same time she confesses that her life's dream is to star in a remake of The Explosive Woman, an 80s comedy in which two teenagers created a robot sexy. "The girl spends the movie running around in her underwear, and they don't know what to do. It's really funny, I think I'd have a great time doing it." Based on her career, one can assume that Megan rejects those other five roles that are not just sexy women. She plays the characters she wants to do, and with the clothes she wants to wear. Megan Fox's public image is the one she has chosen. In Judd Appatow's comedy If It Was Easy, she featured a couple of scenes, wearing a pink bra and leopard panties; In the video clip for Love The Way Yo Lie by Eminem and Rihanna she played a woman victim of an abusive relationship to which she was hooked; In The New Girl, her comic vision has exploded, again surrounded by a group of boys with cooked hormones.
If the whole world assumes that it is nothing more than a sex bomb, Megan is going to make it profitable to the end. When she confesses that she has only slept with two men in her entire life (her high school boyfriend and her current husband, Brian Austin Green), they accuse her of being a liar. When she assures that she goes to mass every Sunday, they call her a hypocrite. If some photographers portray her reading a philosophy book, they laugh at her. When she explains that she would love to drop everything and give lectures on<2MASCULINE>ptology, she sparks rumors of upheaval. Recently, the actress has erased the Marilyn Monroe tattoo that she wore on her forearm. He argues that Monroe was a negative, deranged and bipolar person, a negativity that Megan does not want to attract. This decision sounds like a declaration of intent. Or maybe he just got bored of seeing Marilyn's face every day. The truth is that nobody knows who Megan Fox really is, we only know what she has let us see. And that is her greatest triumph.
Megan already suffered rejection and suspicion during her adolescence for the simple fact of having developed an exuberant physique, so she is not going to allow, at 30 years old and three children, to continue to affect what others think. Her clumsiness during interviews, however, has never led her to criticize other women for what they do, how they dress, or how they think. She only bites those who assume that by exploiting her physique she does not deserve to be treated with dignity. Megan Fox just behaves like a confident woman, and uses her body to do what she wants with him. In reality, there are few attitudes more feminist than that.