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Meghan Markle has a new favorite jewel with a powerful message

Meghan Markle has a new favorite jewel with a powerful message
 Meghan Markle has a new favorite jewel with a powerful message

The Duchess of Sussex was deeply moved when Gloria Steinem presented her with a bracelet, designed by herself, why? Will it now be your favorite jewel?

The departure of the Duchess of Sussex from the British monarchy does not end with the so-called 'Meghan effect', which is that anything that is put out of stock as a general rule in a matter of hours.

In reality, the fact that he has been lavishing less in public since he moved to Los Angeles only increases the anticipation around each of his appearances, and his recent conversation with legendary activist Gloria Steinem has been no exception. .

For such a special occasion, the former actress wanted to wear a piece of jewelry that Steinem herself had given her and that she had designed herself.

Meghan Markle has a new favorite jewel

It is a bracelet that costs 48 dollars and has the phrase "imagine we are linked, not ranked" engraved, which would translate into Spanish as "imagine that we are connected, not hierarchical."

Those few words managed to move Prince Harry's wife deeply the first time she read them: "It represents everything to me, at all levels," she confessed to her interlocutor. Now it is possible that Meghan Markle has a new favorite jewel.

Now without controversy

Ironically, a few months ago, that same piece could have gotten her into trouble.

This is due to the strict protocol that members of the British royal family must follow when it comes to their dress.

At the beginning of her romantic relationship with her now husband, the Duchess received a wake-up call because of a "message" necklace, which basically consisted of a chain adorned with her and Harry's initials.

From Buckingham Palace they made it very clear that such accessories were not suitable because they only managed to make people talk.

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