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Members of the kardashian family

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 Members of the kardashian family

Kim kardashian

Members of the kardashian family

Let's start because the one that really takes the cat to the water. She rose to fame as one of the friends of Paris Hilton with whom she was seen going out to party and binge as they have known each other since the school they went to together. After the revelry, debauchery and consequent anger, each one took a path (very parallel) and today is the day when they are not seen together again and they do not speak to each other. However, despite everything, the real success came thanks to a sex tape that showed all her bedroom intimacies. Of course, from there her fame rose like foam and she, and her family, got a reality show, 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians', in which the cameras live with them. It is the worst and gives a tremendous embarrassment to others, but it is giving them money and fame to role-playing.

Robert Kardashian

Members of the kardashian family

This was her father, and I say it was because she died a few years ago from cancer. He was an important lawyer of Armenian origin (hence the “exotic touch to the sisters) who rose to fame as one of the defenders of O.J. Simpson and that he made a lot of money because, it is said, it is said, it is rumored that OJ was helped "excessively" (there since each one reads between the lines ...). Now all that fortune is polished by the offspring, it is what they have.

Kristen Mary "Kris" Jenner

Members of the kardashian family

The baby's mother. She was married to the aforementioned for more than ten years, but they divorced and later married her current husband, Bruce Jenner, who I will talk about now. The fact is that mommy is not only the matriarch of the clan, but she is also Kim's manager, we are the one who cuts the cod in every way and in reality she has incredible weight. We are one of those mothers who know very well how to wrap the blanket around their heads to go on TV whatever it takes ... which is a very recurring story in our television panorama, right?

Kourtney kardashian

Members of the kardashian family

She is the oldest of the sisters. She is one of those who lives totally obsessed with losing weight, a few days ago some images of her came out in which she gave her a bad feeling about not eating ... Anyway ... The fact is that she is the only one who has children, a very plump child named Manson as a result of his relationship with Scott Disick, a gem who spends the entire program drunk like a louse ... I've always thought he was stuffed, but no, he drinks even the water from the cisterns.

Khloe kardashian

Members of the kardashian family

After Kim goes Kloe. It is said that she is the most normal of all, except for the fact that a season ago she was arrested for driving a little damaged by the shots and for violation of the parole she had to go to jail in the purest Lindsay Lohan style but In this case, the thirty days became only three hours at the police station ... In the realm of the heart, she is married to the basketball player Lamar Odom, which is very normal because the girl is more than one meter eighty, so normal that was linked to a very large one. By the way, as much as the press has been trying to get her pregnant lately, she has already said herself that she is not, that she is simply fat ...

Robert Kardashian Jr.

Members of the kardashian family

Of course, she is the least heard of, she is one of those who remains the most out of all family histories. At 23 she has made her first steps as a model (hallucinatory) and little else. The truth is that so soon nothing to highlight about it.

Bruce jenner

Members of the kardashian family

As I said, he is the stepfather of the Kardashian clan, but since he has been married to Kris since the 90's, he is like a father to all of them. He was an Olympic decathlon medalist in Munich, let's go back to the 70s. Then he started his career towards stardom but from being a celebrity, so he participated in movies and was seen whenever he could. Then he married his current wife and if there is something to highlight about him, it is undoubtedly the aesthetic operation that was carried out that took twenty years off, all sign of expression and now it is scarier than ever ... sailor fabric ...

Kendall jenner

Members of the kardashian family

A few weeks ago, we have to be well prepared for what lies ahead, and even though she is only 14 years old, if not… fear! Kris and Bruce's side is one of the last that is standing out within the family. And it is that after that suggestive photo session with which she surprised us

Kylie jenner

Members of the kardashian family

This is the youngest of the family, who is also beginning to make her first steps in being a model, to continue the saga, because you know what they say, whoever does not go out to the race is killed. But be careful because things do not end here, almost the most interesting is yet to come because I did not know this and I have been a bit checkered.

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