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Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

 Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

Yes, they once had a boring, low-paying job that looked like they didn't have many outings. Exactly the same as you. But it was only a stage on her path, a starting point to catapult herself into something much better. And although not all of us dream of becoming stars in the sky, we do aspire to improve as they did.

Sonia R. Muriel, HR director and author of a prestigious blog specialized in people management, tells us that some people are lucky enough to be launched to stardom without going through the starting box and straight to the good street, as in the Monopoly, but the lessons that are lost along the way are too many and too valuable. In her opinion, good professionals, those who really shine, are those who forge their talent through effort, humility and work. Come on, like these celebrities that we show you below.

1.- Rachel McAdams.

Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

The protagonist of El Diario de Noa worked for three years! in the McDonalds chain and although, as she herself recognized in an interview in Huffington Post, she was not a very good employee, she was too slow and she spent the day daydreaming and in the hills of Úbeda, she was the "friendly face" that received the clients.

What we can learn from her experience: In the words of Sonia R. Muriel "one of the greatest enemies of the human being is pride, it makes us stupid, blind and deaf. Starting a professional career or with difficult positions from the bottom while we get an opportunity in our environment, helps us to develop a greater capacity for empathy and emotional intelligence, to put it another way, it puts our feet on the ground, furnishes our heads well and makes it easier for us to understand those who have also gone through the same thing as us . " Rachel and her humility telling her work is a living example of this example.

2.- George Clooney.

Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

It's no secret that Mr. Clooney's success came very late, but even before he played very, very minor roles, George had even less valued jobs, one of which was working on a tobacco farm in Kentucky. With all the money he saved doing this hard work, George managed to move to Los Angeles to get closer to his dream.

What we can learn from him: that no way of making money is bad if with that we manage to go one step further and move forward to achieve our goal. Our expert in Human Resources advises us to focus on what we really want to do, "what makes you happy, knowing that it will not be free or easy, but possible. Only professionals who are passionate about their work are the ones who shine. It is very difficult to compete with a professional who shines. "

3.- Tom Cruise.

Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

Before he was a star in the Hollywood firmament, he was a hotel waiter and used to carry clients' suitcases from one place to another. But what Tom really wanted to be was a priest, so he ended up attending a seminar before he turned his calling upside down and ended up starring in some of the highest-grossing movies of all time.

What can we learn from their experience: that you have the right to change your vocation and absolutely nothing happens. You can be whatever you want to be. Or change your mind. For Sonia R. Muriel it is also important "to remember the importance of always doing what we consider correct, regardless of the cost involved."

4.- Pink.

Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

The famous singer also worked at McDonalds, like many celebrities and celebrities from the world of politics and sports. But in her case, working for this chain was such a nightmare (she admits that she still suffers from them often, that she dreams that she is broke and has to work there again) that it was the best incentive to push herself and work really hard.

What we can learn from their experience: that a bad job can be as inspiring as a good one and helps us to value, once that moment is over, what we have and to continue fighting for it. Our expert also recommends that we value this moment of our life because difficult moments help us to grow, because life is not perfect or easy, although it is wonderful. "It has many lights and shadows, but your life is built by you, the personal and the professional through decisions, actions and attitudes of each day," she says.

5.- Jennifer Aniston

Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

The queen of American romantic comedy is also a queen in humble jobs. She has practically done everything from cleaning bathrooms to messaging around New York City with a bicycle, something Jennifer admits was her lowest point in life, as she was not well equipped to drive. he lacks incoordination and is very clumsy, so he ended up throwing himself without brakes through an open door. However, cleaning w.c. it was really good or so she says!

What we can learn from her experience: For Sonia R. Muriel it is a unique opportunity: "having a very hard, poorly paid or undervalued job can give you values ​​that make you go very far and make you unstoppable."

6.- Lady Gaga.

Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

For a long time she worked as a waitress in New York City, but as she recognized in an interview in Elle magazine she never got off her impossible heels and they were her hallmark.

What we can learn from your experience: Be true to yourself. Fundamental. "Because bosses change, jobs are not for life and co-workers come and go, but you will always have to look at yourself in the mirror and feel good about the image that it gives you back," says Sonia.

7.- Johnny Depp.

Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

The star of the Pirates of the Caribbean saga worked in telemarketing for many years selling pens with the client's name on it! In an interview she explained what the whole process was like and how she had to force her voice and try to sell two or more pens with all kinds of strategies and tricks.

What we can learn from their experience: it may not be the job of your dreams and it may even seem the opposite, but it may be preparing you for something much better and giving you much more than just experience in the workplace: techniques that then you can apply in your dream job.

8.- Gerard Butler.

Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

Mr. Butler went to college, studied law, and started working at a law firm. But having studied a career and having a job related to it was not enough for him and, above all, he could not turn off his desire to act so he made a risky decision, quit his job and started working as a casting assistant until he got to be cast as an actor in a movie.

What we can learn from his experience: that it is never too late to change your mind and turn your career ninety degrees.

9.- Sandra Bullock.

Nine celebrities who worked on very boring things before succeeding and what we can learn from them

Long before turning to acting and winning an Oscar, Sandra set about serving as a waitress during her college days, a perfectly upright way to pay the bills and survive until her time came. Today, she is known among the American media as one of the celebrities who leaves the best tips in bars and restaurants.

What we can learn from your experience: Living the experience in more humble jobs is an excellent lesson for a lifetime and makes you appreciate more and better the people who work for you. In addition, as Sonia tells us, it is important "to learn that the power of a smile, a pleasant word or a kind gesture should never be underestimated, is usually the root of any social success and at work we are also social beings".

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