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Should Meghan Markle wear heels during her pregnancy?

Should Meghan Markle wear heels during her pregnancy?

Should Meghan Markle wear heels during her pregnancy?

Meghan Markle has made heeled shoes a key part of her style, but is it okay to wear them during pregnancy?

The truth is that we have rarely seen Meghan Markle appear with low shoes, be they tennis or ballerinas. There are few opportunities in which she has worn looks this casual and her recent pregnancy has not limited her to adjusting her style.

Should Meghan Markle wear heels during her pregnancy?

The Duchess of Sussex has made something very clear in each of her pre-mom outfits, so far: You don't need to alter the way you dress as your pregnancy progresses. Today, more than ever, there are ways to keep up with everyone's taste, even with a growing belly and wider hips. Perhaps the most important message being the fact that there are options for everyone, whether you are a Duchess or not, as demonstrated by the H&M dress that she took to her visit to the Mayhew animal care center.

Should Meghan Markle wear heels during her pregnancy?

But if something has caught the attention of many, it is the fact that with six months of pregnancy that she is already (at the time of writing this note) Markle has not stopped wearing heels, like stiletto and as high as always. It is normal that when seeing a pregnant woman with high heels, the questions of style arise: is it okay to wear them? Isn't it bad for the baby

Should Meghan Markle wear heels during her pregnancy?

The truth is that a pregnant woman can wear this type of footwear. But it is also true that they recommend not doing it but for two reasons that have nothing to do with the well-being of the baby directly. The first is the balance. Heels force the back to be straighter than normal (or to lean further back) to contain the fact that they push the body's center of gravity forward. A rising abdomen has the same effect, so maintaining balance takes more effort, this can cause falls and twists more easily (something that nobody wants to happen) as well as severe back pain.

Should Meghan Markle wear heels during her pregnancy?

On the other hand, during the gestation period the extremities tend to swell due to the load of a new weight, so women tend to look for clothing and accessories that provide comfort and high-heeled shoes are not necessarily comfortable. That is why it is not common to see them in stilettos.

Should Meghan Markle wear heels during her pregnancy?

However, as long as you are able to balance your center of gravity, master the discomfort you may feel gracefully, and it is your decision to wear heels, there is no reason to worry too much. Meghan wears them fluently and nothing seems to have changed in her posture, maybe her years practicing Yoga have helped her in this case? The truth is that if she can, you can too. But yes, very careful please!

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