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How did Michael Jackson see himself?

How did Michael Jackson see himself?

How did Michael Jackson see himself?

 Throughout his life, the king of pop has made few, but forceful statements that have helped to better understand his thoughts

Eccentric, groundbreaking, original, unique ... many are the adjectives with which the singer can be defined. But what was it really like? How did he see himself? In the statements that Michael Jackson has made throughout his life, few but very revealing, we discover his most personal self, his concerns and, above all, his vision of what others believed unattainable: a success that has crossed the borders of the history.

Its me boy

About his childhood stage, the one that saw him born as a talent, he has said things like: “I never had that something you call childhood. If you do not have that memory of childhood love you are condemned to search the world for something to fill that void. But no matter how much money you make or how famous you become, you will always continue to feel empty. "A feeling of loneliness that is often said that everyone who reaches the top suffers and that accompanied him for most of your life:" Even when I am at home, I feel lonely. Sometimes I sit in my room and cry. It is so difficult to make friends and there are some things you cannot talk about with your parents. It is very hard for your life to become public property, even with Take into account that people are interested in you because of your music ”.

How did Michael Jackson see himself?

 Peter Pan. I've read everything Barry has written. I totally identify with Peter Pan, the lost boy from Neverland. I am Peter Pan in my heart "he assured. He knew how to create a bubble around him in which the most exceptional things had a place: his house, his memories ..." I love creating magic, doing something that is so strange, so unexpected, that people hallucinate. I believe that humans also have the ability to fly; the problem is that we do not know how to conceive the proper thoughts that will allow us to levitate. "

His intentions? Make people happy

On occasion he even justified his eccentricities, which cost him a large part of his fortune. “I disguise myself for different reasons. I like to study people, even if it's two old women on a bench or some children on the swings, because I don't know what it's like to fit into a situation of daily life. "His legacy extends to music as well as dance, a He was proud of his heritage. "What I like most about acting is that people feel happy. Making a person smile means more to me than anything else. When I go on stage, I don't know what happens. It feels very Well, it's like the safest place on the planet for me. I feel at home: that's where I live, where I was born, where I feel safe. "

How did Michael Jackson see himself?

She was also aware that being in the public eye implied all kinds of comments about her. “You have to live with envy. They think they are hurting you. Nothing could hurt me. The bigger the star, the bigger the target. At least they're talking ... When they stop talking, that's when you have to worry. People will always be willing to think the worst of you. "In his last interview, given in 2007 to Ebony magazine, he assured that he lived oblivious to so much speculation:" I don't pay attention to that. I think it's ignorance. It's not based on Facts but myth. The man you never see. Every neighborhood has a person you don't know, so you talk about him. There's the legend that he did this or that. People are crazy! ! ”.

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