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Kim Kardashian overwhelmed by the rear: how did a myth built on illusion and the "I like it"

Kim Kardashian overwhelmed by the rear: how did a myth built on illusion and the "I like it"

 Round, overbearing forms, shown without restraint and defenses as unassailable by time. Then the natural photos, without filters. Escape of the "followers"

See the cellulite, the creases on the buttocks and especially below, where the thigh comes off. Oh no. The orange peel that tears the skin, made even more merciless by the beating of the sun, with every sign amplified by the harsh light. And what do you do? Outraged, you leave, as one leaves a disappointing movie after paying for a ticket that at that point looks very salty. Then you start throwing stones at those intrusive, unreal buttocks, and for this you adore, imitate, chat, show and clone in the infinite imagination of social networks and the Web. Kim Kardashian's butt appears, caught in a bikini by the merciless paparazzo, for what it really is: a big butt of a not too tall woman (1.60) of almost 37 years, twice a mother, who with a powerful image marketing job had managed to convince everyone to have completely natural, abundant yet firm, almost marble, without marks. Like a large shiny balloon, inflated with the dreams of all women who struggle to be thin just like the image of high fashion requires. A myth, collapsed under its weight, in the face of the evidence of reality. From there, the bleeding of fame.

The farewell of the followers

Given those photos with the royal booty, marked by bubbles and hollows of cellulite, over one hundred thousand social followers of Kim have abandoned her Instagram profile in a few hours. Robetta, considering that the Armenian-American heiress, daughter of the lawyer who defended OJ Simpson from the accusations of having massacred his wife and lover (and who was later caught and convicted later), has meanwhile become a star of reality TV and social, retains over 99 million followers. But the bleeding has started. The place of worship for those round and overbearing asses (which have become emoticons to be used on Whatsapp and also consumer items, such as in the cushions that imitate their shape) is emptying. The dream is over. And it doesn't help Kim the mea culpa done by Dr. Aardon Rollins, author of the facelifts on the butt of the showgirl-model-socialite made famous by the homemade porn video with which he made himself known to the world more than ten years ago. Dr Rollins said that at Kardashian, to give her that cello silhouette that made her a global icon, fat was taken from her hips and waist to implant it on her buttocks. But then that the natural flab takes back its space, and also that the star of the most gossipparo show (the reality show about her family has record ratings) was damaged by the severe diets following the double pregnancy, with an accordion effect that marked the tone of the body and skin. Very difficult to go back. Farewell to an epic.

But why does cellulite define a woman's value?

This is the real question to ask in 2017. And it leads to reflect on the machismo of the collective imagination, amplified by the gaze of the often gay creatives who move the imagination linked to the world of fashion. Where an unreal image of the female body continues to be propagated, often taking away from that body the bulkier characteristics of femininity. The curves, the roundness. In favor of an adolescent image, the period in which you have not yet blossomed, and you remain an undetermined boy / girl, not too male, not yet completely female, a middle ground to be smuggled as an icon out of time, age, sexual maturation. From there, many neuroses (also male, but more often female) arise from weight and physical shape, and the inability to accept the idea that a 37-year-old body (like Kim's) will still be different from one of 25. , and it can be otherwise beautiful, just as it can happen at 60, when everything has changed again, and it is useless and often harmful to try to chase the 40 years that have long since passed.

"Kim Kardashian has long and successfully played on the subversion of this imaginary"

Ethnic, exotic traits, curvilinear body and no problem photographing and filming it even in poses bordering on hard. Be bold, knowing that the photo filters of Instagram and other social networks erase wrinkles, spots, dark circles, cellulite. The same filters that hordes of women and girls abuse to try to imitate their idol Kim Kardashian, in the illusion of feeling free and defying time with "likes" and complacent comments under their public photos. But the mythology of the butt who doesn't feel the passage of time has crashed into the wall of reality. It's social, baby. Today everyone can see in real time what Nicki Minaj (another pop star with a prodigious backside) is like when she wakes up or what Sharon Stone looks like without makeup. No one has ever seen who Leonardo's Mona Lisa really was or what Beatrice exalted by Dante actually looked like. Now the audience and the stars are on the same level, on par. And when the plane tilts, it all rolls down, out of an illusion.

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