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Meghan Markle, accused of 'climbing' by her ex-friend Piers Morgan

Meghan Markle, accused of 'climbing' by her ex-friend Piers Morgan

Meghan Markle, accused of 'climbing' by her ex-friend Piers Morgan

 In a text published in the 'Daily Mail', Morgan has narrated how he met Prince Harry's wife in 2015, when she was still an actress without fame

A Meghan Markle's dwarfs don't stop growing. Apart from her multiple (and supposed, because there is nothing confirmed) confrontations with members of the British royal family, now old friends have joined the smear campaign. This Wednesday it was the turn of Piers Morgan, a renowned television presenter, who has written a devastating opinion piece against the Duchess of Sussex.

Morgan has told her own story with Meghan, whom she has defined as a "ruthless and climbing actress." In a text published in the 'Daily Mail', Morgan has recounted how he met Prince Harry's wife in 2015, when she was still a little known actress. According to her account, one day she decided to follow several members of the series 'Suits' on social networks, among which was Markle herself. Meghan wrote him a tweet thanking him and since then they started talking.

Meghan Markle, accused of 'climbing' by her ex-friend Piers Morgan

Topics of conversation ranged from the use of guns in the United States to her feminist work. Meghan introduced several of her colleagues from the series via the internet, one of them Rick Hoffman, whom Piers Morgan invited to the 'Good Morning Britain' program coinciding with a visit by him to the United Kingdom. Months passed and Meghan and the host's relationship was going from strength to strength when Meghan announced that she would be spending a week in London to attend Wimbledon. They decided, then, to stay. That first meeting lasted about 90 minutes and they talked, among other things, about Trump, of whom Meghan is definitely not a fan, and even the actress's family. It is at this point that Piers reveals that the now duchess told her harsh comments that out of respect she will not reproduce. Also, the actress asked him to take her to her program one day to become known in the country.

Meghan Markle, accused of 'climbing' by her ex-friend Piers Morgan

After that first face-to-face in person, Morgan accompanied Meghan to catch a taxi as she was having dinner at a Mayfair club. That was the last time the presenter heard from the actress. And it is that after that dinner, in which she met Prince Harry, the Duchess disappeared from her life and never answered a message again. Neither did the co-worker whom she had brought to her show, Hoffamn, would answer her. This is how Piers Morgan tells how Meghan 'ghosted' him, a term used to describe those people who disappear from your life overnight without explanation. "I was used by some B-series actors who used me to advance their careers. But when someone more important like Prince Harry appeared in their lives, I was thrown away like a sack of potatoes," confesses Morgan. Now, says the presenter, every time he reads unpleasant information about the Duchess, he can only think that life is giving him the reason. "Meghan Markle is a self-obsessed actress who has landed the role of her life and is determined to make the most of it. She has spent most of the last 20 years reaching out to people until they no longer serve her, and then he expels them from his life as if saying: Goodbye, loser! ".

Meghan Markle, accused of 'climbing' by her ex-friend Piers Morgan

However, Piers believes that now Meghan has collided with some people whom she cannot manipulate and from whom she will not be able to get everything she wants, those are the members of the royal family. "For the first time in her life, Meghan Markle has discovered that she cannot always get what she wants," she concludes.

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