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Meghan Markle and Harry are looking for another enemy: now against their biographer?

 Meghan Markle and Harry are looking for another enemy: now against their biographer?

Meghan Markle and Harry are looking for another enemy: now against their biographer?

Lawyers for the Sussexes are now calling some passages in his biography inaccurate or even products of the creative license.

Who knew that the biography of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry was going to give so much to talk about. Or even that it was going to be part of the judicial process that the couple has opened against Associated Newspapers, one of the most important publishing groups in the United Kingdom. You are right. The book, which was expected to be a bestseller before it was published, is becoming a weapon for Meghan's lawyers. An unexpected turn in the litigation, since it was one of the assets that the defense of the defendant media had in principle.

We explain it to you. When it became known that Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand were preparing an account about the last years of Meghan and Harry, from their engagement to their departure from the Royal House, the names of the authors were the subject of all kinds of comments. Especially him, who had a questioned professional career and who was called in the UK the 'Meghan cheerleader'. It was then assumed that the Sussexes themselves had assisted with the writing, providing data and information to the writers. A suspicion that became almost obvious when the couple applied their new line of communication to Meghan's last official engagement in Buckingham and Omid Scobie was one of the few chosen to enter.

Meghan Markle and Harry are looking for another enemy: now against their biographer?

Although the official spokesmen for the Sussexes denied that there was a direct implication - they never denied that there was indirectly - months later, with the book already on the street, it was clear that they had provided certain information. If not directly confessed to the authors, yes authorizing their inner circle to tell them, as Scobie and Durand themselves clarify in the prologue, in which they admit that they have resorted to people very close to them.

Not only the fact that her publication went ahead without any problem, but also the inclusion of some very intimate and unknown passages, became sufficient evidence for the media demanded by Meghan to defend herself, arguing that she herself has fed during these years her relationship with the British press, "provided it is expressed in flattering terms".

Meghan Markle and Harry are looking for another enemy: now against their biographer?

Well, this approach has just taken a 180 degree turn. Now, the couple's lawyers have said the book contains incorrect details and "the product of creative license" from the authors, such as the 2016 Botswana safari, which they say they have not been in, or the moment when Harry met Doria, Meghan's mother. The controversy lies in the fact that many voices now accuse the couple of 'selling' to journalists. If it is true that there are invented passages, they had enough time for the Sussexes to have expressed their disagreement in some way and clarify some details, since they were fully aware of its content and it was authorized.

But it has not been until this moment, many months after the authors wrote the word 'end' and after several weeks in the list of best sellers, that it is argued that the fact that invented details are included is proof that Meghan has never collaborated with any type of press. A legal strategy that we will only see if it works from January 2021, when the expected trial will begin.

Meghan Markle and Harry are looking for another enemy: now against their biographer?

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