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That's why Emma Watson will no longer take pictures with fans

That's why Emma Watson will no longer take pictures with fans

That's why Emma Watson will no longer take pictures with fans

 Emma Watson revealed why she won't be taking as many pictures with fans anymore and that's a more than valid reason.

Unlike what many fans who have met her say about the brilliant Harry Potter star, the actress has not chosen not to take pictures with the fans she meets on the street because she is ungrateful, rude or not interested in interacting. with the public, the photos would simply pose a threat to their safety.

In a recent interview for Vanity Fair, in fact, she revealed that she has finally found the courage to say "no" to those who approach her looking for a selfie.

That's why Emma Watson will no longer take pictures with fans

For me, it's the difference between having a chance to have a life and not having it. If someone takes a picture with me and I post it on the Internet, in two seconds they created a marker that indicates exactly where I am within 10 meters. They can see what I'm wearing and who I'm with. I cannot give this tracking data.

This does not mean that she will completely avoid fans who will recognize her on the road from now on, in fact she will always offer autographs and maybe even a chat.

I'll say, "I sit here and answer any Harry Potter questions you have, but I'm not taking a picture." I have to choose carefully when to interact. When is it that I'm a simple sighting of a celebrity and when can meeting me change someone's week? For example, I never say no to children.

Emma told the interviewer that she is well aware that Harry Potter fans are not just any fans. Harry Potter has certainly enlightened the imaginations of millions of people, but it has also changed the lives of many

I've met fans who have my face tattooed on their body. I've met people Harry Potter helped while battling cancer. I don't know how to explain it, but the Harry Potter phenomenon flows into another area. Defeat obsession. To accept this, I had to understand that these are not normal circumstances.

That's why Emma Watson will no longer take pictures with fans

Since the first Harry Potter movie came out - and Emma Watson was 11 - there have been many incidents with various stalkers.

People always tell me, “Have you talked to Jodie Foster or Natalie Portman? They will surely have great advice for you about growing up in the spotlight. " I'm not saying it was easy for them, but with social media it's a whole other world. They both said technology changed the game.

When she attended Brown University, Emma went to a football game at Harvard and the Harvard Voice, a school newspaper, tweeted live as her staff followed her to the stadium. At the actress's eighteenth birthday party in London, photographers outside had fun competing to see who could take a picture under Emma's skirt.

He's not exaggerating his security concerns either. When he bought his house he had to do it "blind" through a Skype video call with a real estate agent because the house had a paparazzi-proof entrance.

Privacy for me is not an abstract idea.

As fans as we can be sad about her decision (who wouldn't want to meet her and take a picture with her !?) it's much more important that our Emma is safe and feels protected from stalkers.

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