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The reason why Meghan Markle does not want to have social networks

The reason why Meghan Markle does not want to have social networks 

The reason why Meghan Markle does not want to have social networks

The Duchess of Sussex said it was a personal decision that has helped her in many aspects of her life.

When you become royalty, there is a whole protocol that you must adhere to. In the case of the British crown, one of those rules is the strict prohibition of the use and management of personal social networks for security reasons.

That was the reason why, even before her engagement to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle had to close her accounts, in which she was previously very active, as well as on her blog The Tig, where she shared his passion for gastronomy, fashion, travel and social activism.

When you become royalty, there is a whole protocol that you must adhere to. In the case of the British crown, one of those rules is the strict prohibition of the use and management of personal social networks for security reasons.

That was the reason why, even before her engagement to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle had to close her accounts, in which she was previously very active, as well as on her blog The Tig, where she shared his passion for gastronomy, fashion, travel and social activism.

The reason why Meghan Markle does not want to have social networks

But after more than seven months since her departure as a member of royalty was formalized and with nothing to prohibit her from returning to the networks, many are amazed that Markle has not yet decided to reconnect with her followers. And for all who have asked, the Duchess of Sussex herself offered an answer.

"I haven't been on social media for a long time, out of sheer conservation instinct. Years ago I had a personal account, which I closed, and then we had a joint one through the institution and our office in the United Kingdom, which we didn't manage There was a whole team behind her, "Meghan said in her speech at the Most Powerful Next Gen Summit convention, which took place this Tuesday.

Harry's wife said she stayed away from virtual platforms "so she doesn't know what's out there." It is a personal decision that she says has helped her in many aspects of her life. "I am concerned about people who become obsessed. On a cultural level, for many people social networks have become another part of their day to day, to the point that they are just another type of addiction," she said.

During the meeting, Meghan also took the opportunity to express her concern about how addictive and harmful the means of virtual interaction can be. This is about the documentary ‘The social dilemma’, from Netflix, a platform with which the Duke and Duchess of Sussex recently signed a multimillion-dollar agreement to produce a series of programs.

"There is something algorithmically that is creating this obsession and in my opinion it is very unhealthy for people," said the actress, while comparing the abusive use of social networks with drug addiction. "There are very few things in this world in which the person who is interacting with it is called a 'user'. Someone addicted to drugs is called a 'user' and people who use social networks, too," he concluded.

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