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Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

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Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Alejandra Ávalos confirmed the existence of the catalog and said that she had received invitations.

MEXICO CITY.- Without a doubt, Salma Hayek is one of the most famous actresses that have existed in Mexico, but there is a myth about her person and how she achieved fame.

And it is that after the statements made by Kate del Castillo about the existence of an alleged catalog of women to whom Televisa offered to businessmen, the name of the Veracruz woman would have been on that list.

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Del Castillo caused tremendous controversy after telling in her documentary ‘When I Met Chapo’ that Televisa actresses were sexualized in meetings with publicists and offered in a catalog.

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

At publicist meals, you were basically a chosen one, so wow! if they invited you ... because literally those meals were to offer the actresses to the publicists, who are the people who put the money in Televisa, who buy the airtime, "she said.

It is said that in that book was the face of Salma, who began her career making soap operas in said company in the eighties.

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Alejandra Ávalos confirmed the existence of the catalog and said that she had received invitations to be part of that notebook that offered "sexual favors" to publicists and company executives.

“A lady spoke to me about the famous artist representatives, and she told me that there was a Televisa catalog, that if I wanted to participate. I told him that he did not handle me under those standards of sexual favors, "the star clarified.

The sums that they offered reached up to "1 million pesos per night when someone accompanied an executive or Televisa client," the actress said that this call had been around 25 or 30 years ago, but that 5 years ago they insisted again .

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Hayek has never offered comments to deny or validate the information.

The famous actress began to act in soap operas in which, she assumes, she was not caught for her talent but for her body.

And that her physique was not always so stunning: At school she had to pray to God sometime to "breastfeed" her. "You clearly heard me," she said.

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

When she arrived in the United States, it was difficult for her to find a place for being Latina: She called the representatives herself, showed them videos of how well she cried ... They even told her that she would not go far because her accent was reminiscent of that of a maid. They only offered her this role and that of a prostitute, according to statements by herself.

Today she has a solid career and is married to François-Henri Pinault, president of the luxury goods and distribution group Pinault-Printemps-Redoute (PPR), owner of brands such as Gucci, Yves Saint-Laurent, Balenciaga and Puma, of the Christie's auction house, La Redoute, the conservative weekly Le Point, the TF-1 television channel, with participation in the newspaper Le Monde, in FNAC and in the Stade Rennais football team.

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

In March 2007, she announced that she was pregnant and engaged to the French businessman and on Friday, September 21 of the same year, she gave birth to a girl in a hospital in Los Angeles, California, whom she baptized with the name of Valentina Paloma. Pinault-Hayek, who weighed 3 kilos 374 grams.

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

Was Salma Hayek part of Televisa's alleged "prostitution" of women?

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