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A separate bedroom, this is the life of Melania Trump in the White House

 A separate bedroom, this is the life of Melania Trump in the White House

A separate bedroom, this is the life of Melania Trump in the White House

The first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, sleeps in a different room from that of her husband, President Donald Trump, and sometimes feels relegated by the preponderant role that Ivanka occupies, as a result of the president's marriage to his first wife, Ivana, explains CNN journalist Kate Bennett in her book "Free, Melania: The Unauthorized Biography."

In his work, which goes on sale this Tuesday in the US, Bennett, who covers the White House and issues related to the first lady, reveals the ins and outs of Melania's life and sheds light on the relationship she has with her husband and with Ivanka.


Melania Trump lives in her own rooms inside the White House, something that makes the presidential couple one of the few who have not shared a bedroom, the CNN journalist details in her work.

The first lady not only does her day to day in rooms other than those that Donald Trump attends, but she also decided to locate herself on a different floor than the one where her husband resides.

The book describes the discomforts related to living in this historic building, and it is that, despite the fact that the residence occupies more than 9,000 square meters, the wife of the commander-in-chief cannot walk through the gardens of the complex when she pleases, open a window without the authorization of the Secret Service or regulate the thermostat at will.


Melania Trump has more power than she actually appears in the West Wing of the White House, where the offices of the Executive branch are located.

For example, Bennett points out that the first lady was directly responsible for the firing of Mira Ricardel, Trump's deputy national security adviser, after the two women had their quarrels on the president's wife's trip to Africa in 2018.

In November of last year, the White House announced the departure of the counselor after the first lady's office openly called for her dismissal.

According to the media, Ricardel clashed with the first lady's staff over an issue related to Melania's trip to Africa: The Wall Street Journal reported that Melania suspected, among other things, that Ricardel had leaked negative stories about her and his team to the press.

The first lady was also responsible - the book narrates - that the White House decided to dispense in 2017 with the head of the Service Angella Reid, who was in charge of supervising the administrative activities of the presidential mansion.


The relationship between the wife of Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump is not as friendly as before the landing of the family in the White House set out in "Free, Melania: The Unauthorized Biography" sources of the environment of the first lady.

Despite the apparent cordial relationship that the two women share, the figure unprecedented unofficial "first daughter" occupied Ivanka annoys Melania, argues Bennett, because sometimes feels relegated to the background and has caused some drama in the family.

That tension was exemplified when Melania wore a trench coat Zara with the controversial message, "I really do not care, do u?" (I really do not mind, (and) you?) During a visit to the border with Mexico in June 2018 at immigration detention centers minors.

According to Bennett, it was a message to Ivanka: "I believe, and still do, that the trenchcoat was a dart (directed) to Ivanka and almost constant attempts to link to pluses Administration" writes journalist....

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