Ariana Grande is the most influential star in the world. The ranking
The notoriety index with which, every year, the ranking of the most famous among the "influencers" is drawn up has established that the pop star is the best known of the social networks. Behind her, Justin Bieber and Cristiano Ronaldo. Closes the top ten Rihanna, with 217 million followers
As soon as you get to the item "TV personalities", what you meet is the entire Kardashian clan. First Kim Kardashian, then Kylie Jenner, whose influence is so great but not such as to govern the index of the most popular characters on social networks. The notoriety index with which, every year, the ranking of the most influential "influencers" is drawn up has established, in fact, how to dominate Instagram, Facebook and any other existing social network is Ariana Grande.
The singer, who in total exceeds 329 million followers, has beaten colleague Justin Bieber and footballer Cristiano Ronaldo in popularity, with 324 and 318 million followers respectively.
Not only. The former Disney child prodigy, at the head of a predominantly female ranking, has been able to displace Kylie Jenner and her family by seven positions. The minor of the house Kardashian has slipped to eighth position in the top ten, with "just" 242 million followers. Five more than it took for Dwayne Johnson, already the highest paid actor in Hollywood, to win the ninth step of a ranking closed by Rihanna, whose lack of an unreleased musical project seems to have taken nothing away in terms of notoriety.