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"Be Best": what is the new campaign of the first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, and why some question it

"Be Best": what is the new campaign of the first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, and why some question it

"Be Best": what is the new campaign of the first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, and why some question it

 "Be better".

Under that slogan, the new American first lady, Melania Trump, presented on Monday the initiative that will mark her career in the White House: a plan focused on the physical and mental health of children.

The goal, she said, is "to educate children about the many problems they face today." And among them, she highlighted opioid abuse and harassment on the internet.

"As a mother and first lady, I am concerned that in the fast-paced and interconnected world we live in, children may be less prepared to express or control their emotions, and often resort to destructive or addictive behaviors, such as bullying, addiction. and even suicide, "she stressed.

The initiative will promote various programs, from help for babies exposed to opioids to actions to protect children online.

"As we all know, social media can negatively or positively affect our children, but it is often used negatively," the first lady said in an announcement made at the White House, in the company of her husband and important figures from the technology sector.

"Be Best": what is the new campaign of the first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, and why some question it

Some questions

In the United States, it is traditional for the first lady to design and work on a large initiative as she passes through the White House.

The plan chosen by Melania, however, has received numerous criticisms without even starting to work: the first of them for the slogan itself, which some even wondered if it was grammatically correct.

The controversy also centered on the similarity of his campaign "Be Best" ("Be Better") with the phrase that Michelle Obama, his predecessor, popularized during the presidency of her husband, Barack Obama: "Be Better" ("Be Better ").

After Melania presented her big initiative, a quick search on Twitter could find comments and a video of Michelle Obama urging men to "be better" in an interview with famous television host, Oprah Winfrey.

Melania Trump just launched "Be Best".

In 2016, Michelle Obama encouraged men to "Be Better" pic.twitter.com/RtSz1tmETO

- Michael Cappetta (@MCappetta) May 7, 2018

However, the great controversy of Melania's mission lies in the online behavior of her husband, Donald Trump.

The most critical consider that Trump favors a climate of harassment in the network with her comments on Twitter - which commonly include insults - while the White House denies it.

In any case, American policy experts considered the issue of the first lady's campaign a great choice.

"Be Best": what is the new campaign of the first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, and why some question it

"She takes advantage of the natural attunement she has with children," Myra Gutin, a historian specializing in the career of first ladies at Rider University in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, told the BBC.

"It seems that (the children) are friendly with her."

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