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Democrats: Trump is not the first to "retire" in Florida

 Democrats: Trump is not the first to "retire" in Florida

Democrats: Trump is not the first to "retire" in Florida

The president of the Florida Democratic Party (FDP), Terrie Rizzo, responded with irony this Friday to the announcement of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, that he changed his residence from New York to Palm Beach: "He is not the first person to be resides in Florida to retire. "

Rizzo spoke like this after reporting on the steps that Florida Democrats will take to avoid making "the same mistakes" of 2016 and get the voters of this key state to turn their backs on Trump in the 2020 elections, when he will seek the re-election.

Hence, the mention of a "retirement" or retirement of Trump made by Rizzo, who asserted that they are "determined" to cut the president's way to a new term.

On the other hand, and during a press conference in Miami where a bill was presented to reactivate the Cuban family reunification program that was suspended in 2017, the Democratic congresswoman from Florida Debbie Murcasel-Powell referred to Trump's announcement.

Murcasel-Powell questioned whether this decision was due to "the serious legal allegations in which (Trump) is involved in the state of New York."

Florida is a key state in the presidential elections, not only because it gives the winner a significant number of votes in the Electoral College, which is where the winner is ultimately decided, but because it does not have a fixed voting pattern and so The same may lean toward the Republicans than toward the Democrats.

In 2012 she voted for Barack Obama and in 2016 for Trump.

Rizzo asserted that Florida Democrats are "determined" to do their part so that Trump suffers an electoral defeat in 2020 and, therefore, since 18 months before the elections they have begun an "organized effort" for victory.

Young voters, African Americans and Hispanics are three "key" groups of Floridians that the Florida Democratic Party wants to attract into its ranks, according to Rizzo.

They have already raised $ 5.2 million and hired a team of 91 people, the largest of all the state sections of the Democratic Party, in addition to bringing together 34,000 volunteers, 1,221% more than in 2015, the year before the victory. election that brought Trump to the White House.

Promoting the registration of new voters is one of the axes of the campaign. Since June, more than 17,000 registrations have been made and the goal is to reach 200,000 new voters by July 2020.

Another is to fight to reduce the number of potential voters who for various reasons are deprived of the right to vote, something that happens in Florida "365 days a year," according to a FPD statement.

This Thursday Trump confirmed that he has changed his address and that of his family from New York, where he was born and lived for decades before arriving at the White House, to Palm Beach (Florida), where he has his mansion and private club, Mar-a -Lake.

Previously, the newspaper The New York Times had reported this change of legal address, which, according to Trump, is due to the fact that he has been "treated badly" in his city, but, according to the media, it may be due to the Florida tax regime it is more advantageous for large fortunes.

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