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Joe Biden Addresses Americans as President-Elect: "Time to Heal America"

Joe Biden Addresses Americans as President-Elect: "Time to Heal America"

Joe Biden Addresses Americans as President-Elect: "Time to Heal America"

 The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, addressed his followers at a ceremony held in Wilmington, Delaware, this Saturday, hours after his victory against Donald Trump in the presidential election was known.

In his first appearance as president-elect of the United States, Biden said, "The people of this nation have spoken and given us a clear message."

The Democratic candidate highlighted the large number of votes received for his candidacy - 74 million - and made a call for unity. "Where others see red and blue states, I only see the United States of America."

Aware that polarization will be one of the main obstacles he must overcome, Biden said that the electorate has given Democrats and Republicans a mandate to "cooperate."

Joe Biden Addresses Americans as President-Elect: "Time to Heal America"

"It is time to lower the temperature, look at each other, listen to us again and stop seeing our opponents as rivals ... It is time to heal the United States," said the president-elect.

He also announced that on Monday he will meet with a group of leading scientists to develop a national strategy to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Along with the political divide, the coronavirus will be the great challenge that President-elect Biden will have to face.

Joe Biden Addresses Americans as President-Elect: "Time to Heal America"

Biden was accompanied by his wife, Jill, and other members of his family, and was introduced by his future vice president, Senator Kamala Harris.

The first female vice president

Harris spoke before Biden and assured that "the soul of the United States was at stake" in the elections, recalling what has been one of the slogans of the Democratic campaign.

The future vice president - the first woman to hold the position - presented Biden as the man to help the country heal its wounds.

"She is a man who heals and unites," she said. She added: "It will help us regain our purpose as a nation."

Joe Biden Addresses Americans as President-Elect: "Time to Heal America"

"It doesn't matter who they voted for," Harris told those attending the event.

"Now is when the real work begins," said Harris, who cited the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, recovering the country's unity and the battle against climate change as priority objectives.

The senator from California highlighted the fact that she will be the first woman to reach the US vice presidency and recalled the immigrant origin of her family.

To the applause of the audience, Harris also predicted that she will not be the last woman to become vice president.

A triumph amidst the tension

This Saturday the triumph of Biden was clear, who managed to prevail over the president, Donald Trump, in the state of Pennsylvania, thus surpassing the number of 270 votes in the electoral college that will allow him to be proclaimed president.

Joe Biden Addresses Americans as President-Elect: "Time to Heal America"

The Trump campaign has already said that it will not acknowledge its defeat and Biden's victory, and has initiated a series of legal actions based on alleged irregularities that it has not proven.

Many world leaders have already congratulated Biden on his triumph.

Trump will remain president until January 20, when Biden should inaugurate his term if the resources presented by the Trump campaign do not prosper.

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