Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard: all the dirty laundry that have seen the light in the trial
Bruises, cut fingers, bottle fights, excrement on the bed ... the sentence reveals a hell of violence
Three things have become clear after the sentence in the defamation trial that faced Johnny Deep and News Group Newspaper, editor of The Sun. The first is that the tabloid, however sensationalist it may be, in this case was not lying when it called Depp a "wife abuser." The second is that if the actor wanted to claim his good name, his reputation is now totally for the drag. The third is that the relationship between Depp (57) and Amber Heard (34) was a hell of violence, alcohol, drugs and lurid details. On both sides, because from the testimonies and recordings that have been heard at the trial, it is clear that the actress also had violent behavior.
In the 129-page ruling, London judge Andrew Nicol writes: "The defendants [The Sun and News Group] have shown that what they published was substantially true." The sentence also accepts testimony from Heard, who attended the trial as a witness, that the accusations she made against Depp "have had a negative effect on her acting and activist career."
The judge argues that "it is not necessary to take into consideration whether the article was fair or whether the defendants acted with malice, because all these aspects are irrelevant to the defense of the truth required by law."
The ruling deals a major blow to Depp's reputation and could seriously damage her lucrative career, in which she has starred in some of the most popular family films. Add to that the millions of pounds in legal fees you will likely have to pay.
Tribute to Winona Rider
The first fight was when Heard laughed at Depp's tattoo "Wino forever" ("drunk forever"), after modifying "Winona forever." The actor hit him several slaps
In the trial, which took place in London last July and lasted three weeks, up to 14 episodes were shelled in which Heard claimed that her ex-husband assaulted her. The judge has found 12 of them proven. The first assault occurred when the Aquaman actress ridiculed the actor's tattoo on her arm ("Wino forever", which covers one made in honor of her girlfriend Winona Ryder). He slapped her several times. "It is not true, that did not happen," said Depp at the trial, in which she denied each and every one of the accusations.
The actress says Depp was very jealous and that's why he set fire to a painting by the artist Tasya van Ree, Heard's ex-partner
The actress says Depp was very jealous and that is why he set fire to a painting by artist Tasya van Ree, Heard's ex-partner. The interpreter was arrested in 2009, when she assaulted Van Ree at the Seattle-Tacoma airport. According to an official statement, the artist called the police, after Amber beat her more than once. Although Heard spent the night at the police station, no official charges were filed because neither Heard nor Ree were residents of Washington. The ruling deals a major blow to Depp's reputation and could seriously damage his lucrative career, in which he has starred in some of the most popular family films. Add to that the millions of pounds in legal fees you will likely have to pay.
Tribute to Winona Rider
The first fight was when Heard laughed at Depp's tattoo "Wino forever" ("drunk forever"), after modifying "Winona forever." The actor hit him several slaps
In the trial, which took place in London last July and lasted three weeks, up to 14 episodes were shelled in which Heard claimed that her ex-husband assaulted her. The judge has found 12 of them proven. The first assault occurred when the Aquaman actress ridiculed the actor's tattoo on her arm ("Wino forever", which covers one made in honor of her girlfriend Winona Ryder). He slapped her several times. "It is not true, that did not happen," said Depp at the trial, in which he denied each and every one of the accusations.
The actress says Depp was very jealous and that's why he set fire to a painting by the artist Tasya van Ree, Heard's ex-partner
The actress says Depp was very jealous and that is why he set fire to a painting by the artist Tasya van Ree, Heard's ex-partner. The interpreter was arrested in 2009, when she assaulted Van Ree at the Seattle-Tacoma airport. According to an official statement, the artist called the police, after Amber beat her more than once. Although Heard spent the night at the police station, no official charges were filed because neither Heard nor Ree were residents of Washington.
The 'rules' of the actress
Depp: “If my hand wasn't holding hers or if I didn't have my arm around her, she would take my hand and put it on her thigh, then I was feeding the attention I wanted (...) If that routine was not fulfilled with their standards, then there was a problem "
The actor's version is that "all hell broke loose" if he did not follow the "rules" of the actress. But, according to his ex's portrait, the Pirates of the Caribbean star was aggressive and jealous when under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Because if there was something in their relationship, it was many toxic substances, including the excrement that Depp found in his marital bed as "revenge" for being two hours late to the actress's 30th birthday party or the flying alcohol bottles. that almost cost you a finger.
"She is sociopathic, narcissistic, and completely emotionally dishonest."
Depp said that their time together was "incredibly unhappy," and that Heard has "a diagnosed and calculating borderline personality, is sociopathic, narcissistic and completely emotionally dishonest." In her opinion, she was going for her money and kept provoking her to prepare a “dossier”. She assures that she sent her messages to provoke her and build "alibis" about their relationship in order to get an "insurance policy" and be able to align herself with the #MeToo movement. Like these: “I love half of you madly, the other half scares me. Yesterday I saw you pass out and vomit three times. All three times Jerry had to pick you up off the ground. On the plane Nathan mentioned all the times he had to slam the door down to wake you up after you passed out in the bathroom. If someone recorded you in that state, you would feel mortified. It's embarrassing. Once you cut yourself so badly that you needed stitches. In another, you locked yourself in the bathroom with your own shit instead of going to work. I have endured too long. I've cleaned up your shit, your vomit, and your pee both literally and figuratively. You have accused me of crazy things - some I deserved them - and you have never apologized. You have hit me repeatedly, ”Heard wrote.
Heard: “Yesterday I saw you pass out and vomit three times ... I cleaned up your shit, your vomit and your pee. You have accused me of crazy things - some of them I deserved. You have never apologized "
During the trial, the court heard how Depp had texted Heard calling her “fat ugly.” He also texted a friend, British actor Paul Bettany, conspiring against her to drown and burn her and “fuck her burned corpse afterward. to make sure she's dead. "
Go to
Depp: “Let's burn Amber. Let's drown it before we burn it! Then I'll fuck her burned corpse to make sure she's dead "
She explained that the actor often shielded himself in a “third party created by himself” which he called “the monster”. "He talked about it as if it were another person or personality and not him doing all these things," said the actress, who feared for her life because, according to her, Depp warned her that "death was the only way out of the world. relationship".
Fortune hunter
"I understood that she had an agenda, that is, to marry me to progress in her own career and / or benefit financially"
For his part, Depp was convinced that she was going for her money: "I understood that she had an agenda, that is, to marry me to progress in her own career and / or benefit financially."
The judge: "His donation of 7 million to charity [the ones he collected for his divorce] is not the act one would expect from a gold digger"
But the judge does not accept the characterization of Heard as a gold digger: “I recognize that there were other elements in the divorce agreement as well, but her donation of 7 million to charity [the ones she collected for her divorce] is not the
The trial also recovered a visit by the couple to Australia in 2015 during which Heard claimed to have suffered "three days of attacks" that ended with a house "completely destroyed". After a fight between them with bottles, they had to reattach part of a phalanx to Depp. She says she cut herself when trying to hit her over the head with a phone. And he, that she stubbed out a cigarette on his cheek on one occasion.
Demolishing Mail
Depp: “I have no mercy, no fear, no shred of emotion or what I once thought was love for this low-level, squishy, useless gold digger. I can only hope that karma kicks in and takes away the gift of breath "
In his conclusions, the judge cites an email sent by Depp in 2016 as indicative of the actor's true feelings towards his ex: “I have no mercy, no fear, not a hint of emotion or what I once thought was love. for this low-level, ten-cent-a-dozen, squishy, useless gold digger ... I can only hope that karma kicks in and takes away the gift of breath ... Now I will stop at nothing! ”writes Depp, who described himself as a "southern gentleman who respected women."
After the ruling the media group said in a statement: “The Sun has campaigned on behalf of victims of domestic abuse for more than 20 years. Victims of domestic abuse should never be silenced, and we thank the judge for her careful consideration and Amber Heard for her courage in testifying in court. "
For Jenny Afia, Depp's attorney, “this decision is as perverse as it is disconcerting. Most concerning is the judge's reliance on Amber Heard's testimony, and the disregard of the mountain of evidence to the contrary from the police, doctors, his own former assistant, other undisputed witnesses, and a host of documentary evidence that completely undermined the allegations. point by point. The sentence is so wrong that it would be ridiculous if Mr. Depp did not appeal. "
New trial in the US
In a new lawsuit, Heard will accuse Depp of promoting social media accounts to prevent him from participating in the second installment of "Aquaman."
The actor has also sued Heard for an article she published in The Washington Post, in which, without naming her, she exposed her experiences of abuse. The actress has responded with another lawsuit, for 85 million euros, including the accusation that Depp has promoted accounts on social networks to prevent him from participating in the second installment of Aquaman or being the face of l’Oréal.
The US attorney who will represent Heard in the upcoming defamation case says: “We will present even more voluminous evidence in the US We are committed to obtaining justice for Amber Heard and defending her right to freedom of expression.