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Melania Trump's body language refusing her husband's hand says she doesn't want to be treated like a child

Melania Trump's body language refusing her husband's hand says she doesn't want to be treated like a child

Melania Trump's body language refusing her husband's hand says she doesn't want to be treated like a child

 Expert Patti Wood analyzed the Tel Aviv episode arriving at a conclusion different from the others

The official meetings of the presidential couple in the last week have shifted attention - once again - to the relationship (the real one) that binds Melania and Donald Trump. In fact, after the former model refused in public to shake hands with her husband - the first time just landed in Israel, the second while the two got off the plane that took them to Rome - many have wondered why gesture of Melania. And a body language expert revealed it: the first lady doesn't want to be treated as a child.

Overheard by the Independent, the expert Patti Wood decrypted in particular the "parade" of the American couple at Tel Aviv airport. According to Wood's interpretation, walking in front of his wife, the tyccon wanted to affirm his superiority over her and the gesture of looking for Melania's hand behind him would be read as that of an adult who wants to take a child with him. "Melania, responding with a small slap, wanted to say: 'No, you will not take me for a walk as if I were little'".

However, there could be another explanation, linked to respect for the label. According to this interpretation, the first lady wanted to avoid physical contact in public on Israeli soil to maintain a more detached and "presidential" behavior.

However, what is certain is that the relationship within the first couple has changed a lot since the inauguration of the White House. If before The Donald used to have a very physical relationship with his wife, not disdaining to touch her often even in front of strangers, now the two avoid contact outside the home.

Trump wants to be seen as president, not part of the presidential couple.

After all, exactly the opposite had happened last February: after getting off the plane that had taken him to Palm Beach International Airport, Florida, The Donald had deliberately avoided shaking the hand of his wife, who had instead sought contact. "On that occasion, the tycoon wanted to prove that he was an alpha male and therefore did not want to indulge himself" stresses the body language expert.

Returning to Melania, Wood explains how Trump's election has transformed the way she behaves, in marriage and out of it. "The current first lady before was simply a model married to someone who wanted her very much," remembers Patti, who points out how the woman's body language revealed an "open and comfortable, loose" attitude.

Now everything seems to have changed and "Melania's shoulders go down, her smile is more and more dull, she casts furtive glances. She is tense and unhappy". However, if the cause of so much discomfort is the marital relationship itself or the new life as a wife of the president, only she will be able to reveal it.

Melania Trump's body language refusing her husband's hand says she doesn't want to be treated like a child

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