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This is the secret language that Queen Elizabeth uses with her guards

This is the secret language that Queen Elizabeth uses with her guards

This is the secret language that Queen Elizabeth uses with her guards

 The British Royal Family is full of protocols, traditions, and rules that some of us don't even imagine. For example, did you know that Meghan Markle will no longer receive gifts at Christmas? Queen Elizabeth even has a secret language with her guards to tell them when she wishes to withdraw from a conversation. (Imagine how practical, I wish we could all do that.)

In order not to bother anyone or attract too much attention, the Queen uses a subtle gesture that all her companions know. When she is at a social event and wants to finish a talk to continue on her way, Isabel II switches her purse from one hand to the other.

When this happens, a member of your team approaches the person in question and indicates that the Archbishop of Canterbury would like to speak with him or her. This was explained by the historian specializing in royalty, Hugo Vickers.

This is the secret language that Queen Elizabeth uses with her guards

Instead, when the Queen really wants to flee a place, she turns her ring around or places her purse on the floor. So her guards know that they must escort her to another site. According to Vickers, protocol changes when the Queen is at Buckingham Palace. There, instead of resorting to signals, Queen Elizabeth has a buzzer that vibrates for palace employees to open the doors and guide guests out.

It seems that the bags have various purposes within the Royal Family. For example, Princess Diana used them for a completely different reason. Can you imagine what it is?

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