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Trial against Trump: Testimony about son Barron brings Melania's barrel overflowing

 Trial against Trump: Testimony about son Barron brings Melania's barrel overflowing

Trial against Trump: Testimony about son Barron brings Melania's barrel overflowing

The impeachment proceedings against US President Donald Trump are in full swing. His son Barron also came up briefly. An absolute no-go for First Lady Melania.

Washington - America's First Lady Melania Trump rarely speaks out in public. Now she has done it - very clearly. It was about her son Barron (13), who had come up in the course of the current impeachment proceedings against his father, US President Donald Trump. The Democrats are currently driving this forward and have now announced that they want to create charges against Trump.

Impeachment process: Stanford professor jokes about Barron

Law professor Pamela Karlan wanted to emphasize the difference between the president and a king in her argument in the impeachment case against the US president and said: "While the president can name his son Barron, he cannot make him a baron." to some laughter in the hall.

After joke about son Barron: First Lady Melania Trump with an angry tweet

Barron's mother Melania, however, found the whole action anything but funny. In a very angry tweet, she wrote that children have a right to privacy and should not be instrumentalized for political purposes. Karlan is also apparently an angry and partisan person.

The president's campaign team also issued a statement on the incident, stating that "only in the minds of crazy liberals is it funny to drag a 13-year-old child into the impeachment nonsense."

After the excitement for a comment on Barron Trump: Karlan apologizes

After the excitement about her statement, Karlan apologized as the proceedings continued. Barron himself did not say anything about the events. The 13-year-old is Donald and Melania Trump's only child together. He has hardly appeared in public so far and keeps as far away from public appearances as possible, unless they are expected of him for family reasons.

With her angry Twitter statement, Melania Trump has now drawn a clear line that should protect her son Barron from being drawn into the political vortex around his father due to his origins

There was excitement when Princess Anne, the Queen's daughter, refused to shake hands with Donald Trump during his visit to Britain.

Melania Trump angry: First Lady recently herself a victim of humiliation

Melania herself knows what it feels like to have to stand up for the political events surrounding her husband. Just recently, the US First Lady was booed by students in a public appearance in Baltimore. The reason for this could have been that Donald Trump had seriously insulted Baltimore and thus also its residents in an earlier speech.

Also interesting: A new book about First Lady Melania Trump is causing a stir in Washington. The unauthorized biography "Free, Melania" by the author and CNN journalist Kate Bennett reveals a piquant detail from the private life of the Trump.

A biography of Melania Trump reveals an increasing distance between the first lady and her husband, US President Donald Trump. Can the marriage still be saved? You have to flush ten to 15 times, the US President railed in the White House about flushing the toilet - and discussed the issue in detail at the round table with experts.

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