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Brazil, Israel, China: these countries that want to see Donald Trump re-elected president of the United States

 Brazil, Israel, China: these countries that want to see Donald Trump re-elected president of the United States

Brazil, Israel, China: these countries that want to see Donald Trump re-elected president of the United States

In the Correspondents' Club, franceinfo crosses borders to see everything that is happening or happening elsewhere in the world. This Tuesday, we head to Brazil, Israel and China, who would welcome Donald Trump's success in the US presidential election.

On November 3, Americans will choose their next president, between incumbent Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden. The latter is at the top of voting intentions nationwide and has consolidated its advantage since early October. Also, it is an understatement to say that certain foreign governments are following the campaign with attention, so much they would view with a particularly favorable eye the re-election of the current president of the United States. This is particularly the case with Israel, Brazil and, to a lesser extent, China.

63% of Israelis would vote Trump

By a large majority, the Israelis would vote Donald Trump: 63% of Israelis polled for the I24 channel said that they would vote for the Republican candidate. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also wants him to stay in the White House. It must be said that Donald Trump was the most pro-Israeli of American presidents: he recognized the annexation of the Golan and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and proposed a "plan for the Middle East" which only envisages a Palestinian "sub-state". According to the same poll, only 19% would vote for Joe Biden, in particular because of his supposed positions on the crucial issue of Iran. Yet Joe Biden has announced that if elected, he will maintain the US Embassy in Jerusalem and military aid to Israel unconditionally.

The Democratic candidate has been a personal friend of Benjamin Netanyahu for some 30 years, but the relationship with Trump appears to be the strongest. Note also that in Jerusalem, it is possible to buy kippahs bearing the effigy of Donald Trump ... and that they are selling very well.

Brazilian Bolsonaro has taken a clear stand for Trump

In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro has taken a clear stand in favor of President Trump's re-election. The two like each other and have seen each other many times since 2018 when the Brazilian came to power. Donald Trump has thus defended Bolsonaro on the issue of the Amazon against European leaders and the Brazilian never misses an opportunity to highlight his special relationship with the American.

Also, a defeat of the Republican candidate would be particularly embarrassing for Jair Bolsonaro who does not bother at all with neutrality. On Monday again, he praised the merits of Donald Trump by announcing the signing of three bilateral agreements with the United States, which however only resolve bureaucratic issues and will not change much to trade between the two countries. But the symbol is important and President Bolsonaro has announced that a major agreement, commercial this time, will be signed after Donald Trump's re-election.

Apparently there would be, in his mind, no chance for Joe Biden. At least that is what the Brazilian claims: according to observers, the concerns are nevertheless very real. Because Jair Bolsonaro staked everything on Donald Trump and gave a lot to the United States. Notably the possibility of using the Alcantara space base, on which the Americans had long been eyeing. If Joe Biden wins, the relationship will be difficult with the Democratic camp. Joe Biden has spoken twice about protecting the Amazon. A speech opposed to Donald Trump and which was not appreciated in Brasilia.

China does not know on which foot to dance

Officially, the Chinese regime is careful not to give an opinion but in 2016, during the previous election, China clearly wanted the election of Donald Trump. At the time, in Chinese official circles, it was agreed that it would be easier to negotiate with a businessman like Trump than with Hillary Clinton. However, in 2020, the opposite seems to be happening: Deputy Minister of Information Qin Gang said a few days ago that the crisis was deep between Beijing and Washington. Government adviser Professor Shi Yinhong believes that if Trump is re-elected, the trade conflict will escalate further and there is a risk of military confrontation in the region. Conversely, others believe that Donald Trump has weakened the United States and divided the West, which they believe is good for China.

Also, China seems not to really know on which foot to dance with the United States. The general feeling is that Joe Biden, if elected, will improve diplomatic relations and lower the tension. And probably resume the second phase of trade negotiations abandoned by Trump. But fundamentally, the Chinese also know that Republicans and Democrats alike do not want a hyper-powerful China that could dethrone American world leadership.

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