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Did Melania Trump have a medical procedure to make her resemble a feline?

Did Melania Trump have a medical procedure to make her resemble a feline?

Did Melania Trump have a medical procedure to make her resemble a feline?

 This is weird, however Melania Trump and Sarah Jessica Parker have similar eyes. It appears the two of them went to a similar restorative specialist to purchase that impact. 

My answer is more about SJP than MT, since I'm more acquainted with SJP. 

I was viewing a presently broadcasting TV arrangement called "Separation" which is entirely clever, however the more I investigate SJP's eyes, the more ... just ... well ... they turn me off! I can't take a gander at her any longer. 

I googled and discovered past photographs of SJP, and her eyes are well inside "typical" shape. Not all that much, she just looks cool, and she just resembles a pleasant looking little youngster/lady. Yet, no one needs to be simply "attractive", not on the off chance that you need acclaim and fame. 

I think possibly SJP's allure was initially founded on its capricious looks. Furthermore, I truly delighted in taking a gander at her, only for her wild magnificence. 

Did Melania Trump have a medical procedure to make her resemble a feline?

However, presently it's to an extreme and I feel overdosed on those odd eyes! Indeed, I think he has as of late refreshed them, since they might have dropped, because of gravity, much the same as every other person's actual attributes, the cost of being human on the planet. 

Also, would you like to know the most abnormal thing about these feline eyes? From the essences of SJP and MT, it's simply a little advance towards that notable picture from "The Alien." Narrow face, pointed jaw and upward cuts for vacuous eyes, the direct opposite of being "windows to the spirit."

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