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Does Trump have a narcissistic disorder?

 Does Trump have a narcissistic disorder?

Does Trump have a narcissistic disorder?

In an interview with DW, the psychologist Bärbel Wardetzki explains what narcissistic personality disorder consists of, why we are all a bit narcissistic and why Trump what should really wake up is grief.

Mental health professionals have long worried about Donald Trump's bleak state of mind. Already last February, 33 psychiatrists and psychologists warned in a letter published by the New York Times of the danger that, in their opinion, the president of the United States poses. A few months ago the book The Dangerous Case of Donald was published. Trump, in which 27 authors certified the tycoon's serious personality disorders. His recent tweets on Twitter, where he boasts of having "a nuclear button bigger and more powerful" than North Korea's, in order to challenge the no less impulsive Kim Jong-un, and his attacks on Steve Bannon, his former boss strategy, they worry their own and strangers The most common diagnosis is that of narcissistic personality disorder.

Psychologist Bärbel Wardetzki has published several books on narcissism. In an interview with DW, the expert explains what this disorder consists of, why we are all a bit narcissistic and why Donald Trump what should really wake up is a pity.

DW: Mrs. Wardetzki, I think I am a wonderful person. Does that make me a narcissist?

Bärbel Wardetzki: No. The concept of narcissism is not easy to define. I see narcissism as a way of relating to the world that ranges from positive to sick narcissism. If someone says, "I look great," they simply have a positive feeling of self-worth. They are people who know what it's like to have self-doubts, but who are capable of internally reorganizing and giving themselves comfort and support. They know their qualities and also their Limits. Many believe that this is already narcissism in a negative sense, but no, it is something positive. Pathological narcissism resides precisely in a severely distorted feeling of self-worth, the deficiencies of which must be compensated by an oversized "I".

So let's talk about narcissism in the negative sense. Does Donald Trump Have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

It is difficult to make a diagnosis. After all, I don't know Donald Trump and all I can do is interpret his behavior. It is possible that he has another type of psychological disorder, but what stands out is the narcissistic part. His way of behaving, his way of relating to other people and his way of dividing the world into good and bad are typical of this disorder.

What exactly is the behavior that causes mental health professionals to diagnose a narcissistic personality disorder?

There are several criteria to follow. For example, reacting angrily to criticism, rather than constructively, because the affected person feels ashamed and humiliated. The relationship with others is based on exploitation, because priority is given to the role of the other: “the important thing is not you but the role you perform for me.” In addition, the narcissistic person has an oversized ego, feels unique and wonderful. Pathological narcissists have enduring fantasies of success, power, brilliance, and boundless beauty. Also ideal love. They demand a lot of themselves and the world around them. They hope to gain permanent attention and admiration. Yes this fails them, they go into crisis. Narcissists lack understanding for others, although this is a controversial and debated topic. Pathological narcissists may show empathy for other people, but not to jointly feel emotion, but to know what state the person in front of them is in. Finally, pathological narcissists are extremely envious.

You say that a feeling of worthlessness underlies narcissistic disorder. When Trump flaunts his biggest and most powerful atomic button, is he actually hiding the fear that he's smaller?

Exact. In the background is the "I am not enough" and that is a fear that can be existential. There are people who suffer from it and do not even know who they are. Your own valuation depends on external things: power, big cars or relevant jobs. But behind all this hides a defenseless child who has not received the attention he needed.

Should we feel sorry for Trump?

It's an interesting question. These people get admired or hated. It is difficult to feel sorry for them. Actually, they would need someone to say: "Poor thing" ...

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