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First Lady: Conversation recordings paint a frustrated picture of Melania Trump

First Lady: Conversation recordings paint a frustrated picture of Melania Trump 

First Lady: Conversation recordings paint a frustrated picture of Melania Trump

According to rumors, Melania Trump wants a divorce from her husband Donald. Now recordings have become public that show a frustrated first lady.

Melania Trump is still massively in public. There is much speculation and discussion about the future of the first lady. Only recently, the US broadcaster “CNN” re-fueled speculation.

Recordings of conversations were broadcast in one broadcast. They are from 2018. In it, Melania Trump speaks of working her ass off for the Christmas decorations in the White House, which, however, does not interest anyone “a shit,” since everything revolves around the migration policy of US President Donald Trump . According to "CNN", these statements come from a phone call between the first lady and Stephanie Winston Wolkoffs. The two are no longer friends.

It is unclear what Melania Trump thinks about these statements today. Only recently, photos of the preparations for Christmas 2020 were circulating in the White House. The first lady accepted the Christmas tree one last time. You can read more about this in the update from November 24th, 2020. It was also announced that Melania Trump wanted to send a surprising signal to the White House. However, their plan failed.

Update from 11/27/2020, 4:45 p.m.: Melania Trump is currently experiencing the last few weeks and months in the White House. While her husband Donald remains desperate to win the 2020 US election in court, other things are on the agenda for her. For example, Melania Trump received this year's White House Christmas tree, as you can read in the update from November 24, 2020.

In addition, it has now become known that Melania's project could not be implemented. The first lady wanted to make a clear statement for the LGTBQ movement in the USA. However, that failed.

First Lady: Conversation recordings paint a frustrated picture of Melania Trump

Update from November 24th, 2020, 5.15 p.m.: Since 1929, the White House has received a Christmas tree every year at the end of November. Traditionally, this tree is received by the incumbent first lady. Melania Trump also fulfilled this task on Monday (November 23, 2020) for the fourth and last time.

Melania Trump does not look at the hustle and bustle of the 2020 US election and the rumors of a possible marriage crisis with husband Donald Trump. The first lady professionally welcomes the two tree suppliers who have brought the Christmas tree to the north portal of the White House in a horse-drawn carriage. After 3 minutes and 29 seconds of posing and admiring Baum, Melania disappears into the White House again.

Melania Trump: The rumor mill continues to simmer

Update from November 18, 2020, 10.30 a.m.: Donald Trump is counting on waves of lawsuits against the US election and hopes for a recount of the votes, as in Georgia. Meanwhile, the rumor mill continues to simmer. Central topic: his marriage to Melania Trump.

Melania Trump: will the First Lady divorce Donald after the US election?

Should there be a divorce between Melania and Donald, the wife of the US President will probably be waving a sum in the tens of millions. As the "Sun" reports, lawyers assume that Melania Trump could collect up to 50 million US dollars, should it come to the marriage and the associated divorce. Attorney Jacqueline Newman speculated in the magazine "Town and Country": "I would imagine that the payout is pretty generous"

Stephanie Grisham, former White House press secretary and now Melania Trump's chief of staff, believes the discussion is superfluous. "That question is pathetic and that is exactly why people no longer trust the mainstream media," said the 44-year-old. How things will go on in the Trump marriage remains unclear for the time being. Donald Trump's chances of winning a lawsuit against the US election are also uncertain. His lawyer Rudy Giuliani said in a recent interview that defeat in court was "part of the plan".

Update from 11/14/2020, 7:35 a.m.: After his speechless appearance at a memorial event on Veteran's Day, Donald Trump spoke up for the first time after the US election. Without First Lady Melania Trump, accompanied by his Vice President Mike Pence, the outgoing US President stepped in front of the microphones in the rose garden of the White House.

But instead of admitting his defeat in the US election to Joe Biden, Donald Trump preferred to brag about the successes of his reign. It is only thanks to his administration that a vaccine against the corona virus will soon be available, Trump said in his speech. This claim is controversial as the company was only supported in vaccine distribution and not vaccine development through a Trump administration program.

Melania and Donald Trump: Rumors about marriage come at an inopportune time

Update from November 13th, 2020, 5 p.m.: The elected US President Donald Trump is causing further trouble. Donald Trump still does not want to acknowledge his defeat. After Joe Biden was the winner of the 2020 US elections and is thus elected US President of the USA, Donald Trump went underground for the first time and instead reported on Twitter with misleading tweets about the 2020 US election.

Both international and Republican election observers distance Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 US elections were "stolen" and reject Donald Trump's claim as unsubstantiated and unfounded.

US election 2020: Donald Trump wants to score with conservatives and causes speculation about the marriage crisis

In the 2020 US elections, Donald Trump wanted to score points with white women and men, conservative voters and devout evangelicals in particular. Even before the 2020 US election, Trump made sure that a judge known to be ultra-conservative follows the late judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the Supreme Court. Therefore, of course, Donald Trump's own private life is in the public eye. It was inconvenient that rumors of a marriage crisis with Trump's third wife Melania Trump repeatedly caused speculation.

Melania Trump: Marital crisis as a result of Donald's defeat in the 2020 US election?

Donald Trump's presidency was marked by scandals over possible affairs, rape allegations and a first lady Melania Trump who regularly refused to shake hands with her husband Donald Trump in public appearances. Donald Trump's first appearance after Joe Biden was announced as the winner of the 2020 US election was therefore closely monitored.

Several media outlets, including Spiegel Online, are now speculating about a possible marriage crisis for Donald and Melania Trump as a result of Donald Trump's defeat in the US election in 2020. The speculation about a possible divorce is also based on two former White House employees.

Melania Trump and Mike Pence ‘wife without a mask and minimum clearance at the side of soldiers

At a memorial day event for war veterans, it was noticed that Donald Trump was extremely taciturn. Instead, there was a tweet with a video about the event. It was also noticeable that Melania Trump kept her distance from Donald Trump, but not from the soldier who was accompanying her. Melania Trump neither wore a mask, nor did she keep the corona safe distance. Vice President Mike Pence's wife also hooked up with a soldier without observing the minimum distance.

Mike Pence ‘wife and Melania Trump do not wear a mask

In addition, Melania Trump and Donald Trump and Mike Pence and his wife Karen Pence did not wear a mask to protect against the corona virus. In the USA, over 242,000 people have died as a result of a corona infection. Donald Trump has repeatedly downplayed the danger posed by the coronavirus. Donald Trump's own corona infection, which he even had to have treated in a military hospital, raised doubts as to whether Trump himself played down the corona virus. The event on the evening of the 2020 US election in the White House is developing into a superspreader event. Several Trump supporters are infected with the corona virus.

After President Trump's election defeat: Ms. Melania should think about divorce

Washington D.C. - The elected US President Donald Trump now seems to isolate and withdraw more and more. More and more Republicans are said to be turning their backs on Trump and even the former Republican US President George W. Bush has meanwhile congratulated Joe Biden on his election as US President. In frustration, Donald Trump is said to have holed up in his own reality and spend his time golfing, twittering and watching Fox News. Trump speaks of “electoral fraud” and doubts the seriousness of the 2020 US election. But even his former favorite station and the short message service Twitter are no longer ready to spread the untruths of Donald Trump: Twitter is now providing almost every one of Trump's tweets with warnings and Fox News also declares Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 US election.

According to "CNN" even his wife Melania Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner should have suggested to Donald Trump that Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 US election should finally be recognized. His eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., on the other hand, used Nazi rhetoric by calling for an "all-out war" against the results of the 2020 US election.

According to rumors, Melania Trump is already counting the minutes until Donald Trump leaves the White House

More and more Trump employees are said to turn away from Donald Trump, also taking into account future job prospects. Now the third marriage of Donald Trump, who presented himself as a representative of a conservative and evangelical electorate, is once again moving into focus. No wonder then that the gossip press pounces on the rumor that Melania Trump even wants to file for divorce from the fallen size of the Republican Party after the defeat of her husband Donald Trump in the 2020 US election.

US election 2020: Donald Trump will be lonely - is First Lady Melania Trump leaving him now?

The rumors are backed up by several former White House employees. Former Donald Trump's communications director, Omarosa Manigault Newman, says Melania Trump should count every minute until Donald Trump leaves the White House and she can divorce him.

This reported inter alia the British "Daily Mail" and "The Standard". Newman, who previously starred in Donald Trump's TV show The Apprentice, also has an explanation ready for Melania Trump not divorcing Donald Trump earlier: If Melania Trump had humiliated her husband while he was still in office, he would have Found ways to punish his wife Melania Trump, Newman said.

Newman had worked in the White House in the Trump administration for about a year and, like many other employees, was fired. Newman wrote an exposé book about her time at the White House. She also appeared on numerous TV shows, as reported by CNN. The revelations resulted in several tweets from Donald Trump in which he, among other things, labeled "deranged" and "confused".

After losing in the 2020 US election: More rumors about Donald and Melania Trump

Even before that, there was always speculation about the marriage between Donald and Melania Trump: Melania Trump slapped her husband's hand away in public several times. The strategy behind this could be to divert attention from important problems and failures of the Trump administration, such as the high death rate as a result of the corona pandemic in the USA.

In case of doubt, however, Melania Trump stands behind Donald Trump. With their son Barron Trump and Trump's children from past marriages, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and their husband Jared Kushner, Eric Trump and Tiffany Trump, they celebrated the night of the 2020 US election in the White House. When Donald Trump's premature announcement of the election victory, Melania Trump stood by his side. Melania Trump is also backing her husband on Twitter with an extremely controversial tweet about the 2020 US elections. Claims by Donald Trump and the Trump family about systematic irregularities in the US elections were rejected as unfounded by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) mission, which is monitoring the election.

Melania Trump getting divorced? Insiders give insights into the marriage to Donald Trump

However, Newman is not the only former White House employee to have publicized assessments and inside information about Donald and Melania Trump's marriage. A former confidante of Melania Trump, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, also reported that it would be a marriage of convenience. She also released several tape recordings of First Lady Melania Trump, on which Donald Trump's wife complained about her duties as First Lady. In addition, Melania Trump is said to have blasphemed against her confidante about the Trump family, in particular her husband's favorite daughter Ivanka Trump.

Does Donald Trump have to go to jail? What will become of Melania Trump?

Anyway, it is questionable how things will go with Donald Trump. In New York, a stronghold of the Democratic Party, he is very likely no longer to be seen. There have already been demonstrations in front of the Trump Tower and numerous celebrities - a society in which Trump moved in New York - have positioned themselves against Trump's politics. It is very likely that Donald Trump will move to his golf resort in Florida. Melania Trump also has a residence in Florida, a US state where the majority voted Republican: Melania Trump also cast her vote for the 2020 US election there - without a mask, by the way.

But maybe another place as the main residence of the Trumps comes into question: the prison. If Donald Trump is no longer US President, he will also lose his immunity. He is accused of tax evasion, sexual abuse and rape, among other things. In addition, the real estate mogul is said to be highly indebted.

What happens after Donald Trump: will Ivanka Trump or Donald Trump Jr. take over the helm?

Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump is said to have ambitions for the presidency, as reported by "The Guardian", among others. In addition, Trumpism in the Republican Party is far from over: The extremely narrow election result suggests that Donald Trump is still an important actor for the party. Experts therefore assume that Donald Trump will not withdraw from politics after his defeat in the 2020 US election. Recently, Donald and Melania Trump appeared publicly for the first time after Joe Biden's election victory.

In addition to his daughter Ivanka Trump, his eldest son Donald Trump Jr. is said to have ambitions for the US election in 2024. In any case, Melania Trump will soon have to leave the White House and hand over her position to First Lady Jill Biden, wife of Democrat Joe Biden - that's what the American people have decided. While Donald Trump continues to refuse to recognize Joe Biden's election victory, plans are already underway for a new cabinet: These are the candidates for the newly elected US President Joe Biden. (Delia Friess, Tobias Utz)

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