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Harvey Weinstein: "I slept with Jennifer Lawrence and she just won an Oscar"

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 Harvey Weinstein: "I slept with Jennifer Lawrence and she just won an Oscar"

Harvey Weinstein: "I slept with Jennifer Lawrence and she just won an Oscar"

The film producer has been sued again by an aspiring actress who has given a shocking testimony

A new lawsuit for sexual assault and gender violence against the film producer Harvey Weinstein has revealed some statements that have revolutionized social networks for their harshness. According to the plaintiff, an aspiring actress, the first incident occurred during the 2013 Sundance Film Festival in the hotel room where the producer was staying, who allegedly assured her that he had slept with actress Jennifer Lawrence.

"I slept with Jennifer Lawrence and look where she is. She has just won an Oscar ”, says the lawsuit that the producer would have told him, according to the New York Daily News. Actress Jennifer Lawrence, known for her role in The Hunger Games, has denied sleeping with the producer in an interview with E News: "I've never had anything but a professional relationship with him."

Harvey Weinstein: "I slept with Jennifer Lawrence and she just won an Oscar"

The lawsuit, filed Friday by the aspiring actress in Los Angeles County, California and reported today by the Daily News and other local media, indicates that Weinstein invited the woman to his room to discuss with her about a possible role. in a film. There, the producer followed her when she went to the bathroom. "Weinstein unbuttoned his jeans, dropped them to the ground, and exposed his penis while telling him 'I like looking at you,'" according to the legal document.

He adds that, after the rejection of the woman, identified only as "Jane Doe", the producer allegedly masturbated and ejaculated on the actress's blouse. She also notes that Weinstein told her that they should remain friends if she wanted a career in the film industry.

Weinstein invited the woman to his room to discuss with her about a possible role in a film

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