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Meghan Markle and Ivanka Trump were friends but ...

 Meghan Markle and Ivanka Trump were friends but ...

Meghan Markle and Ivanka Trump were friends but ...

There was a time when the actress and the president's daughter were really good friends. The first, petite and tanned, had praised the second, tall and blonde. Meghan Markle talked about her friendship with Donald Trump's daughter in her now abandoned blog The Tig. "This incredibly beautiful and intelligent woman" he wrote "seems to hold the key to success and happiness".

Ivanka Trump, 38, assistant to the Father - President since 2017, is undoubtedly a sensational woman: former cover girl and model of international fame, she studied in the most prestigious American schools, and currently has a brand of ... diamonds in her name Ivanka Trump collection, located in New York on Madison Avenue, then moved to Mercer Street, as well as a line of shoes and bags. Writer and entrepreneuse, she undoubtedly employs something like hundreds of miles of people, women in particular.

At the dawn of the publication of yet another book on the Dukes of Sussex, this particular friendship was, however, omitted. Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durant, the authors of the new literary effort, Finding Freedom, an essay in favor of the pacifist, ecological and, in a certain sense, anti-crown "mission", so much so as to make grandmother Elizabeth jump on the throne, opted not to mention “The Trump family” so as not to discredit the work done by the Sussexes in this period.

"We opted", they say, "to focus on Mrs. Windsor's behavioral details: how in the morning she takes hot water and lemon, then oats in vegetable, almond or soy milk, with bananas and agave syrup". No mention of Trump, nor of his friendship with Ivanka. Speaking of which, what happened next?

The friendship between Mrs. Windsor and Mrs. Kushner would sour when, in 2016, Meghan Markle challenged the Tycoon in a television appearance.

Feeling attacked by her father, Ivanka dropped her friendship with the actress. There are those who today accuse the Sussex dukes of having collaborated with the authors of Finding Freedom, an apologetic and panegyric book for the couple (no longer) novella, and who, on the other hand, excuse them from any involvement. The choice not to mention Ivanka was made by the authors, they say, we have nothing to do with it.

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