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Meghan Markle's first TV speech after the abortion announcement has a lot to teach us

Meghan Markle's first TV speech after the abortion announcement has a lot to teach us

Meghan Markle's first TV speech after the abortion announcement has a lot to teach us

 We had just finished saying that Meghan Markle is still the most popular of the royals despite the now rather secluded life in that of Montecito and here she reappears radiant in public with one of her speeches to be framed and kept in archive for posterity. Okay, the Duchess had never quite gotten out of the spotlight (and how could she?) 

And just recently she had her moving article about her in the New York Times in which Markle recounts her recent experience with miscarriage. It must be said, however, that, since the couple gave up their royal titles and duties and flew overseas, we no longer see them appear on the official Windsor family accounts or participate in official events or even give speeches around the Gran Brittany (alas there is no going back from #Megxit). So when Meghan Markle made her surprise TV appearance during the CNN Heroes special with a video message of thanks to the pandemic heroes, we turned up the volume and strained our ears (and we did well).

We had just finished saying that Meghan Markle is still the most popular of the royals despite her now rather withdrawn life in that of Montecito and here she reappears radiant in public with one of her speeches to be framed and kept in archive for posterity. Okay, the Duchess had never quite gone out of the limelight (and how could she?) And just recently she had her moving article in the New York Times in which Markle talks about her recent miscarriage experience about her. It must be said, however, that, since the couple gave up their royal titles and duties and flew overseas, we no longer see them appear on the official Windsor family accounts or participate in official events or even give speeches around the Gran Brittany (alas there is no going back from #Megxit). So when Meghan Markle made her surprise TV appearance during the CNN Heroes special with a video message of thanks to the pandemic heroes, we turned up the volume and strained our ears (and we did well).

Meghan Markle's first TV speech after the abortion announcement has a lot to teach us

"In a year that has been universally challenging for everyone" - began Markle sitting on a bench surrounded by flowers - I was inspired by the stories of compassion in our communities. Across the country, people have set aside their own needs to come together and support the collective well-being of those around them. "The actress and wife of Prince Harry recalled how the impact of the pandemic brought countless families to their knees. that "they were faced with a heartbreaking question: how will I put food on the table?". "But in the face of this devastating reality" - Markle continues in the clip - "we also saw the power of the human spirit and the extraordinary way in which communities respond in difficult times. We saw the good in people: in those close to us and in entire communities that came together to say that they would not stand by while others went hungry. We have seen communities stand up and act. "

The Sussexes also have not shied away from getting busy in times of need and have worked as volunteers for the charity Project Angel Food which distributes meals to those suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer. In April, the Daily Mail immortalized the couple on the streets of Los Angeles carrying out deliveries. "They were really interested in every person they met", said Richard Ayub, executive director of the NGO, "The patients we reach are often forgotten people: they wanted to know them, talk to them, leave a smile on their face" .

"Tonight we celebrate these silent heroes", concluded Markle, addressing all the volunteers who have never stopped working for others in recent months. "These people stood up and made sure that the most basic needs of our communities were met. They made sure that those around them didn't have to suffer in isolation. They fed their neighbors in different ways. And they showed us all. that, even in the darkest moments, when we get together, we have the power to remind someone else that there is hope and that we will be fine. " Dear Meghan, we missed you!

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