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MELANIA TRUMP "Passion for the arts, architecture, design, fashion and beauty"

MELANIA TRUMP "Passion for the arts, architecture, design, fashion and beauty"

MELANIA TRUMP "Passion for the arts, architecture, design, fashion and beauty"

The White House has released the first official photo of the first lady. But the Melania Trump portrait not only arouses enthusiasm: Above all, the strikingly smooth facial features of the 46-year-olds cause criticism.

Melania Trump, US First Lady, now has an official portrait photo. The picture that the government released in Washington on Monday shows the 46-year-old in the White House. "I am honored to serve in the role of first lady and look forward to working on behalf of the American people in the years to come," she said in a statement.

In a text next to the photo, Melania Trump is presented on the White House homepage as a woman with a “passion for the arts, architecture, design, fashion and beauty”.

The First Lady earned a lot of praise on the Internet. For example, a Twitter user named Jeffrey wrote that she looked like a goddess. But there was also criticism and ridicule for the photo that shows her with her arms crossed in a black blazer.

A number of users scoffed at the wrinkle-free face and suggested that the image had been retouched. Some on Twitter like Kevin McNamara were reminded of soft focus photos from the 80s.

User Ken Bostwick posted a picture of the evil queen from Disney's cartoon "Snow White", which can also be seen in a black dress. A Twitter user realized exactly that the lavishly decorated, white-framed window behind Melania looks almost exactly like the backdrop of "Muppet Babies", an animated series from the 80s. "Does anyone know why Melania Trump's portrait was taken in front of the Muppet Babies window?" She wrote.

Still others vented their anger over the fact that the president's wife was absent from the White House most of the time. So far, she still lives in Trump Tower in New York, where she and her son Barron (10) enjoy the protection of the Secret Service as well as that of the police and the fire department. According to Police Chief James O'Neill, the security of the two costs the city up to $ 146,000 a day.

Many US media, however, were of the opinion that the First Lady looked chic in the picture. "The former model looks very glamorous with the hair that falls to the side in loose waves," said the magazine "Us Weekly".

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