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Melania Trump: the top model who didn't want to become a First Lady?

 Melania Trump: the top model who didn't want to become a First Lady?

Melania Trump: the top model who didn't want to become a First Lady?

MELANIA TRUMP - Former model with the dream plastic, the wife of Donald Trump raises many questions in the press and the American opinion. In Paris, the attitude of the "First Lady" will be very observed ...

[Updated July 13, 2017 at 3:48 PM] Enigmatic Melania Trump. Steadfast support of candidate Donald Trump during the presidential campaign across the Atlantic barely a year ago, the American "First Lady", who is currently in Paris, has kept her distance from her husband president for months. The descent of the plane that brought the presidential couple to Orly on Thursday resulted in new icy photos between the two members of the couple. The sequence ends with a stealthy kiss and different mid-day trips to the capital. While Donald Trump had lunch at the American Embassy, ​​Melania Trump visited sick children at Necker Hospital.

Melania Trump: the top model who didn't want to become a First Lady?

What's going on between Donald and Melania Trump? After Donald Trump's inauguration and speech, his wife decided not to move in with the new US president in the White House to stay with his son Barron Trump in New York (they have since moved to Washington after the end). of the school year). For months, Americans have worried about a Melania Trump humiliated by her husband for years and now imprisoned in a role of First Lady for which she would not be cut. On Twitter, the hashtag #FreeMelania or #SaveMelania have multiplied, most often accompanied by clichés where we can see Melania Trump melancholy or even ostensibly pouting. Everyone remembers these other images, released last May, on which we saw Melania Trump repeatedly pushing the hand of the President of the United States, during a trip to the Middle East ...

It must be said that Melania Trump has become "First lady" with the label of a superficial woman with a dreamlike plastic. With the election of Donald Trump, it is a top-model with a profile very close to that of an "it-girl" who became first lady, a thousand leagues from Michelle Obama, committed and who enjoyed for eight years of popularity at the top. Donald Trump's wife is indeed one of those personalities who have gotten into the habit of portraying their formidable daily life on social networks.

In fact, what Americans know of Melania Trump is very far from the protocol attitude that permeates this status. For years, she had become accustomed to poorly mastered public interventions, posting photos of vacations, cooking, her moods and her opinions on the weather or on the New York skyline on social networks like any other. American teenage girl. Messages that demonstrate a certain narcissism that she is told to share with her exuberant husband.

TWEETS - Below are some sample photos that she posts on her Twitter account:

Who is Melania Trump? Bio express

  • She is 46 years old, just 6 years apart from Donald Trump's first son
  • She got married in a $ 200,000 gown, in a luxurious ceremony attended by ... Hillary Clinton
  • She has her own fashion and jewelry brands: Malania Caviar Complexe and Melania Timepieces
  • Melania Knauss, young Slovenian girl

Melania Trump - her maiden name Melania Knauss - was born in 1970 in Sevnica, a small town in Slovenia. Her father is a mechanic and her mother is a fashion designer. She began her modeling career at 16, while working on a degree in design and architecture, according to her website. Two years later, she signed a contract with a Milanese agency. Far from the most courted tops on the planet, she nevertheless manages to get her career off the ground thanks to an almost perfect plastic. In 1996, the young woman moved to New York. She was then at the peak of her modeling career.

Melania Trump met her billionaire husband two later, in 1998, at a party on the sidelines of Fashion Week. Rumors have it that she initially refused to give him her number. The politician, then 53 years old (he is 70 today) was accompanied to this event. Finally, in 2004, "Beauty and the Beast" got married in Palm Beach, Florida. Funny anecdote: the Clinton couple would have attended the wedding. Donald Trump was indeed a donor to their Foundation. For the billionaire, it's already a third marriage. Together they have a son, Barron.

Melania Trump: strong support for immigration

After her marriage to the billionaire, the news of Melania Trump becomes inseparable from that of her husband. Trump's wife has appeared with him on several television shows, including the Republican's own show "The Apprentice." For the rest, his activities will turn in part to charity galas and ... social networks where Melania Trump reveals her daily life and sometimes that of the businessman. While she shared a lot of photos of her travels and hobbies on Twitter - and even of her son - she suddenly stopped posting messages, after the declaration of candidacy of her husband.

Melania Trump subsequently remained just as discreet. But she ended up giving an interview to the American channel MSNBC in the program "Morning Joe" in February 2016, during which she spoke about the controversial outings of her husband. "I do not think he insults Mexicans", she said in particular, while her husband had mentioned "thieves" and "criminals", announcing wanting to build a wall between the United States and Mexico . "He's talking about illegal immigration," she said. Of Slovenian origin, Melania Trump herself claims to have "followed the law" to become an American citizen. "I never thought of staying here without paper," she says. And when Donald Trump claims that Muslims should no longer have the right to enter American territory, again, Melania nods. For her, such a temporary measure is necessary for the security of the country. "He wants to protect American citizens, (...) keep the country safe."

Melania Trump, submissive woman?

Melania Trump does not always agree with her husband, however. In an interview with Paris Match, she said: "I am not a submissive woman who says yes to everything, including her husband. I fully support him, without being a 'yes woman'". "I often give him my opinion, I do not agree with everything he says but it's normal," she also admits in an interview with CNN at the end of February. She regrets in particular the language that the Republican candidate sometimes uses, like the day he repeated the word "pussy", first used by a sympathizer ...

She will later face much more serious accusations of words and even questionable behavior on the part of Donald Trump, but will do so without flinching: "He's not the man I know", she will maintain, just recognizing an "inappropriate language", "not acceptable", but "discussions of" guys "" ... For her, if her husband is accused of sexism, it is above all because the media want " influence the American people in their vote ".

Donald Trump's shocking phrases on women

  • "You know, I'm irresistibly drawn to beautiful women. I start by kissing them right away, like a magnet. When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Catch them by the pussy, anything. make"
  • About Hillary Clinton: "If (she) can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?"
  • About Arianna Huffington: "She's not attractive, inside or out. I totally understand why her former husband left her for a man, he made a good decision"
  • "If Ivanka weren't my daughter, I would probably date her"
  • On divorces and wives asking for money from their husbands "You have to treat them like shit"

Melania Trump: a disaster speech and daring photos

Regarding the campaign of Melania Trump, we will especially remember this controversy after her speech during the inauguration of her husband by the Republican Party. In July 2016, when Donald Trump officially became the Conservative candidate, the former model spoke in an emotional speech. The pretty sentences are linked, especially on Hispanics, African-Americans, Muslims and Asians, all targets of Donald Trump. The publicity stunt seems perfect, except that journalists realize that the speech is largely a cut-and-paste of a speech by Michelle Obama in 2008. The scandal will tour the media around the world, some do not. not hesitating to broadcast extracts from the two speeches to highlight the deception. Melania Trump's team will try to stop the disaster by pleading the error: "While writing their beautiful speech, Melania's team took notes on the sources of inspiration in their life, and in some cases included fragments reflecting his own thought ".

The other controversy comes from a photo shoot carried out by Melania Trump, then a model, in the 1990s. The New York Post published last summer, in the middle of the presidential campaign, several photos from a daring series. In the photo that made the front page of one of the numbers, Melania Trump, 25 at the time, is completely naked alongside another woman, the two models posing for French photographer Jarl Alé de Basseville. Donald Trump assured that there was no reason for these photos to cause a scandal. "Mélania was one of the greatest successful models (...). These photos were taken for a European magazine (Max, editor's note) before we met. In Europe, such photos are very fashionable, it is is common, ”said the now President of the United States.

Melania Trump's mission: to smooth the image of her husband

Often left on the sidelines of the 2016 American presidential campaign, Donald Trump's third very wise wife was finally mobilized in the home stretch of the election. At 46, the former model and Slovenian immigrant rose to the fore in an attempt to "smooth out" the gruff image of her husband a little. And why not make him win the few votes that clearly made the difference on the evening of the results of the American election.

Melania Trump even gave her first solo meeting, in the week before the campaign, in Pennsylvania. A speech in which she tried to put forward, with a touch of shyness, "American values": in other words "kindness, honesty, respect, compassion, generosity". Everything that characterizes Donald Trump of course ...

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