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The features of Melania and Ivanka Trump, the most requested in cosmetic surgery

The features of Melania and Ivanka Trump, the most requested in cosmetic surgery 

The features of Melania and Ivanka Trump, the most requested in cosmetic surgery

This is what happens now in the US, where real fortunes are paid for resembling the president's wife and daughter

The latest (and stupid) cosmetic fad in America is to get your face done to look like Melania and Ivanka Trump. According to "The New York Times", Ivanka has positioned herself above other celebrities such as Kylie Jenner. More and more surgeons are receiving women who require rhinoplasty or cheek implants to look like the first lady of the United States or the daughter of the president. Speaking to "Page Six", plastic surgeon Norman Rowe (New York) acknowledged that until Donald Trump acceded to the White House, no woman had asked him to look like them.

But since last summer, about 50 New Yorkers have come to his practice begging him to widen their cheekbones, slim down their noses and widen their eyes in the hope of resembling either. "There are many women who come to our clinics with photos of Angelina and Fox," says plastic surgeon Rubén García-Guilarte. And he adds: "Serious professionals never accept these types of profiles." Dr. Juan Peñas has not yet been asked for Melania's face, but they have asked Elsa Pataky countless times, "because she is the benchmark for Spanish beauty," but only young people do it, "more mature women don't want to 'look like 'but to be the highest version of themselves.

The features of Melania and Ivanka Trump, the most requested in cosmetic surgery

Surgeon Julio Millán adds that “in addition, when someone shows us a photograph of an actress telling us that they want to look like her, we do not accept her as a patient because there is a risk of her suffering from dysmorphia (a disorder produced by excessive concern for appearance) and that we can not solve. We still do not perform miracles, nor do we change one face for another. Antonio de la Fuente relates that the strangest thing that he had been requested, and by mail, was that he spoiled the face of a young patient by simulating an accident to fix it completely later and that his parents covered the expenses that otherwise would not be to do.

"Naturally, I didn't even answer that case," he says. Meanwhile, Dr. Ángel Martín affirms that the most requested faces at Clínica Menorca are that of Queen Letizia and that of Amaia Salamanca. “But we never operate under that criterion. And that some are willing to pay up to four times more than their price.

Morbid and power

According to specialists, the two new White House tenants have become icons due to the influential role they have acquired in society. "When an attractive woman is exposed to the media, they come to us with her haircut," says García-Guilarte. And Rowe shows that, in her interview with "Page Six", she says that the "fever" broke out in the summer of 2016, and since then, the demand for reproductions of her face has been an average of four orders per month,. one a week.

The features of Melania and Ivanka Trump, the most requested in cosmetic surgery

According to this surgeon, Ivanka's fans come more out of the desire to resemble her as a powerful woman than as a beautiful woman, because that gives them a lot of security. But the blame for the collective madness is not just those of these deranged women. The threat is in clinics like Franklin Rose, where a surgeon in Houston (Texas) advertises his interventions with the promise that the end result will be to have the face of the first lady of the United States. The treatment is known as "Melania Makeover" and includes six cosmetic interventions (rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, liposuction, abdominoplasty, and breast and buttock prostheses), plus Botox sessions and fillers in different areas of the face and body. The price of the mutation? Around 50,000 dollars -41,600 euros-. We already know that crap is very expensive.

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