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The power of Ivanka and Jared triggers jealousy

The power of Ivanka and Jared triggers jealousy

The power of Ivanka and Jared triggers jealousy

 Trump's daughter contributes with a calming effect on the president that has been crucial in positioning himself

For a time it seemed that advisers like the xenophobic Steve Bannon or the controversial Kellyanne Conway were the ones who agglutinated the most power in the new US Administration, but after two months of presidency, it is clear that blood and family are the winners on the avenue. Washington Pennsylvania. Both Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner are members of one of the two powerful factions that currently exist in the White House, the one that the populist wing (led by strategist Bannon), disparagingly calls "the Democrats" and whose weight it is analyzed daily in the US press.

"Ivanka is the almighty," says a source familiar with the inner workings of the White House, on NBC News. Some of her influence was reflected last Monday when she chaired a panel discussion for women entrepreneurs in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing. What to say about her presence in the electoral campaign and in high-level meetings with the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, or with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. However, for many, Ivanka Trump remains a mystery due to how the young woman remains blatantly passive at times on top agenda items. This was the case, for example, of the health plan to dismantle Obamacare. As her father reaped his first legislative failure, both Ivanka and her husband, Jared, were skiing in Colorado. According to several media, this annoyed the president, although he well knew that his daughter always chooses the battles in which to participate and sanitary, she was not one of them.

Despite the fact that sometimes the distance of their positions puzzles more than one, the favorite daughter of the US president (who will soon occupy an office on the second floor of the White House) often serves as an adviser to promote much of his politics behind the scenes. “She is a great negotiator, she is not very different from her father in this sense. What happens is that she brings a certain finesse to the table ”, revealed an official in The Hill. Thus, Ivanka Trump contributes with a calming effect on the president that has been crucial in positioning himself in the new Administration. Something very similar happened with Jared Kushner, whom Trump sees as himself as a young man and has recently been given the responsibility of running the United States Government as a company, at the head of the US Office of Innovation.

"They feed off each other," says a source close to this couple who uses her influence to advance their own "socially liberal, but physically conservative" agendas.

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