They criticize Meghan and maintain that she has no skills as a mother
Meghan Markle's life has been in the spotlight since it became known that she was going to marry Prince Harry, brother of the future King of England and son of the late Lady Di. And being in the eye of the storm makes everyone want and can comment on everything she does and, without a doubt, constantly criticize it. In May 2019, the former American actress and her royal husband welcomed their first child, about a year after they were married. They both looked forward to this moment and it has made them very happy.
Little Archie is everything they wanted and nurturing for their partner. However, criticism rained down again. First there was bad talk about how it took two days to present it, after they did a very private baptism and now the new mother is criticized for the way she holds her baby. Some voices said that she is not a good mother because of the way she holds it and that that shape is not safe for someone so small. Let's see what the citizens and what the experts say about it.
Private Life and Public Life
Meghan Markle and Harry have decided to raise their son as far away from the press as possible. So they have moved to a more private place and have had a baptism ceremony in which the press did not participate. Although the new mother preferred to save herself to care for the newcomer, she has finally been seen in public at a formal event and at two sporting events.
The first of them was the Wimbledon Grand Slam in which her great friend, Serena Williams, played. The second was a polo match in which Princes William and Harry participated. From this second event a series of photos emerged that caused much controversy.
How to hold the baby
What do you see in these photos? In the published images of the polo match we can see Meghan holding little Archie with a blanket to keep him warm. The way he raises it has generated quite a bit of controversy since it is not the usual one. This caused many people to say that they are uncomfortable with their baby and that it does not feel good or natural for them to be a mother.
Clearly, it is easy to judge others, especially based on a series of moving photos. This is her first child and she still has a lot to learn. But what do the experts say about it? Did you really hold it wrong or do people like to criticize?
Expert Words
Two experts gave their opinion on this. On the one hand, Lucy Shrimpton who has great knowledge in parenting and worked on "The Baby Show" and "The Sleep Nany" told the news site "Yahoo UK" that Meghan's way of supporting her child was ideal. . She added that each parent has a different way of holding their baby and the one she chooses is very good for young children.
In turn, another scholar on the subject called Pinky McKay gave her opinion to "10 Daily" and said that Archie looks safe as Meghan carries him close to her chest and thus feels protected. She recommends that they leave the Duchess alone to raise her son.
Sports Reunion
Not only was the way Archie was held was the talk of rumors after Meghan's appearance at sporting events, but her alleged fight with Kate Middleton also gave a lot to talk about since they both attended together. At Wimbledon the two women were seen sitting together laughing and having a good time.
While there were rumors that this was a performance for the cameras, we find it hard to believe that they wanted to pretend that they get along if they really can't stand each other. Also, what would they gain by simulating a good relationship? Rumors are inevitable and flourish everywhere around them. The only truth is that in the photos they are very close friends.
No Photos
But since there is always a way to criticize Meghan, which seems to be in fashion, rumors emerged that she would have demanded that she not be photographed in the stands while she attended this year's Wimbledon tennis matches. It even seems that a paparazzi has been strongly demanded not to take pictures.
Perhaps she is a bit over the top with her requests, since she was attending a public event. However, we do not look down on you wanting to keep your life private. You don't have to share everything you do with everyone. Or maybe you do?
Two Close Mothers
The photos from the polo tournament also show them together and in a good mood. They say that Kate has given her very good motherhood advice that Meghan has taken and applied so if at any point they got on badly, this seems to have been in the past.
In addition, the photographs show the American aunt laughing with the funny faces made by her little nephew Louis, who sticks out his tongue in a playful way and she participates in the child's game. It seems that both women get along better since they are not neighbors and do not have to share the stresses of coexistence, but rather appreciate each time they see each other.
Problems With Staff
Other rumors that circulate around Meghan have to do with her way of being. They call her bossy and that she likes everything to be done the way she wants. It has even been said that she has not treated her employees well. While we do not have a source to ensure this, we refer to the evidence.
Since Archie was born, Meghan has had three babysitters. The first two resigned shortly after starting work.
Many resignations
As if that weren't enough, other employees who dealt with Meghan have also resigned since she married Harry.
No one blamed him for leaving, but, on the one hand, an American bodyguard has left her job and, on the other, her personal assistant lasted only six months while the private secretary assigned to her resigned after working 17 years for royalty. We refer to the facts, that is, it is possible that the rumors are true this time.
A Babysitter For Archie
With regard to babysitters, Meghan seems to be being very demanding with them, no wonder! It is about your child and the first one, which often leads to greater concerns because everything is new and scary.
We can remember that the current nanny of Kate Middleton and William's children, named María Borrallo, was only hired when the oldest of them, George, was 8 months old, which means that it was not a decision that was made lightly.
Archie's Caregivers
But Archie doesn't need babysitters anyway. Harry is said to be a very present father. While Meghan breastfeeds the baby, he is in charge of changing diapers or preparing food for both of them.
They share the upbringing and are very happy that it is so. Nacho Figueras is a close friend of the family and who has related that the role of father comes very naturally to Harry and is always present.
Grandma Help
Regardless of Harry wanting to be present at all times, he has his obligations as part of the monarchy and must be absent from time to time. Luckily, Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, helps them a lot with Archie. She lives in America, but spends a lot of time in England with her daughter and grandson.
For example, when the baby was born, she traveled to London for 5 weeks, then returned home and returned to England for the baby's baptism. According to “Elle” magazine, she constantly travels to the UK, as her grandmother's help is essential for the new mother.
The First Appearance
The first time Meghan was shown at an event after Archie's birth was at the Trooping the Color ceremony that takes place every year on the queen's birthday. During the event, the royal family is always placed on a balcony and must look at the town, but the new mother did not take her little one and could not help but look inside the palace to see how it was.
For his part, Harry would have challenged her and told her to look ahead as it is wrong for her to turn her back on the citizens. But the American's concern was for her son.
Out Of The Spotlights
For Archie, both Harry and Meghan seek a quiet and normal life as possible. So they have moved away from London and moved to Windsor, more specifically to Frogmore Cottage where it has a large amount of private park to enjoy away from the media and attention.
Although rumors circulate constantly, they try to live away from all that and not pay attention to them. Archie is part of the line of succession to the throne, but he is far removed from the first so it is unlikely that he is king, which takes away many royal responsibilities.
Possible Move
If there is one thing Harry has learned, it is to deal with the media that have marked him after the scandalous divorce of his parents and the death of his mother due to media persecution.
It makes sense that he wants to get his son away from all that, so there are also rumors that the family will move to South Africa for a few months to fulfill some tasks that correspond to Harry.
Unhappy Fans
The royalty has many fans who follow them day by day and want to be aware of everything that happens. So keeping Archie so private hasn't made them very happy.
They feel that the family has spent millions to remodel Frogmore Cottage with taxpayer money, but that they are not responding to royal mandates by staying away from cameras as much as possible. Also, they have spent a lot of money on Archie's birth which occurred at Portland Hospital, a very expensive sanitarium.
Breaking Traditions
As if this weren't enough, it took Meghan and Harry two days to show their son Archie to the public. Compared to how Kate introduced her three children, it really was a short time.
She showed them the same day they were born, but unsurprisingly, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex broke with tradition and introduced it when they felt comfortable. This again generated discomfort from British citizens who want to know every step of Archie's life.
Loving Parents
Clearly, Archie won't be a real kid anymore. He will not live like the rest because his parents will protect him from the madness of being persecuted by the media 24 hours a day. Perhaps it is in Africa or perhaps they stay in England, where he will be very well cared for by his parents and there are even rumors that he maintains that they will give him a vegan diet.
Meghan hardly participates in massive events and Harry gets up at night to take care of him. We have no doubt that it is a baby surrounded by love.
Live Criticized
In turn, they live surrounded by criticism and want to avoid that pain for their son. Although they try to ignore them, it is hard to know that people are saying that someone is a bad mother and that they should leave the care of their child to a babysitter because he does not look comfortable in the role.
We all have the right to make mistakes and to learn from our mistakes, but Meghan and Harry have a magnifying glass on every step they take. Also, the reviews come from a series of photos that don't show much. Luckily, many people say that they are both very happy and very good as parents.