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Truths and lies of ‘Harry and Meghan, a royal romance’

Truths and lies of ‘Harry and Meghan, a royal romance’ 

Truths and lies of ‘Harry and Meghan, a royal romance’

The film about the love story of the prince and the actress is too far from the true facts

The first lie of Harry and Meghan, a royal romance, broadcast by Antena 3 on Wednesday night, is that it has little of the real. The film created by Lifetime, an American channel aimed at middle-aged female audiences, is a soap opera rather than a documentary about the true story of Elizabeth II's grandson and the Suits actress. The script was written in just two weeks and was shot at high speed to be released on the eve of the royal wedding, scheduled for this Saturday.

The details that are verified are, for example, that the prince was a rebellious party animal, that a cousin of the queen put on a racist brooch to meet Meghan, that her ex-husband is writing a fictionalized series about their marriage and that Enrique is he declared to his girlfriend while cooking a roast chicken at home. This last piece of information for many must have seemed like a mere fantasy according to others that abounded in the series but it was like that.

Also false, for example, is the idyllic relationship that they show between Enrique and Camila, her father's wife. It is well known that the children of Diana of Wales had a hard time admitting her as they blamed her for many of the problems their mother suffered.

Instead, the scriptwriters present Guillermo and Kate as two unclear figures in the way of relating to Enrique when the truth is that the couple closed ranks with them and even the eldest son of Diana of Wales issued a statement of support, in a unusual fact in the rules of the British royal house.

The profusion of private jets bound for Canada to see Meghan is also not exact. The prince has reported that he traveled on regular flights and camouflaged under a cap so as not to be recognized. In addition, both jet would have raised the alarms of the British Government when auditing the accounts. Only the Queen and the crown prince usually have planes for their private trips.

Yes, the film is right in the speed with which Enrique fell in love. She told it on November 27 when the couple announced their official engagement.

There is also a lot of imagination about Meghan. From a very simple one: she lived in Toronto and her mother in California and on the screen they both share a city. And, another more important: Doria, the mother of Enrique's girlfriend did not meet her future son-in-law until the Invictus Games, last September. Therefore, the maternal mediation in the couple's relationship is false, as is the scene in which Doria shows her daughter some images of Enrique on the day of her mother's funeral, walking behind the coffin.

The continuous references to The Crown turn into a bad joke. That is the book that Meghan begins to read when she meets Enrique and one of the first questions that Elizabeth II asks her son's girlfriend: "Won't you be one of the actresses in The Crown?" The Crown is a great series, very well documented and truthful, that many people like and even Elizabeth II. The rest is fantasy or lie, depending on how you want to see it, and that abounds a lot in Harry and Meghan, a royal romance.

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