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Assault on the US Congress: for me now Trump must be removed and tried

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 Assault on the US Congress: for me now Trump must be removed and tried

Assault on the US Congress: for me now Trump must be removed and tried

The worst thing that can be done in the face of the tragic and disturbing events in Washington is to underestimate the extent of the incident by speaking, as someone insists on doing "farce", "antics" or the like. Apart from some undoubtedly folkloristic aspects, such as the horned young man smeared with war colors, and instead less so, such as the four deaths that occurred during the shootings inside the Capitol, we find ourselves with all evidence in front of a a very serious symptom of the crisis of a democracy of ancient tradition, the first, in modern times, of the western hemisphere and perhaps of the entire planet.

Donald Trump's responsibilities are very serious. But Trump is in turn the symptom of a deep crisis, as I have already had the opportunity to write countless times on this blog. The crisis of the leading role, or rather dominant, of a country accustomed to doing good and bad times in the international community, which today has clearly lost its leading role in the face of the now unstoppable emergence of a multipolar reality in the bosom of international community.

Perhaps the most paradoxical aspect of this situation is that the country accustomed to "exporting democracy" all over the world through wars (see Iraq and too many other cases) and coups d'etat (see the history of Latin America and the episode perhaps more emblematic of the 1973 coup in Chile), today turns its poisons against itself, with an attempted coup and, at least so far, apparently unsuccessful (in fact, this is clearly the assault on the Capitol by the Trumpian militias) and a civil war looming over the most armed country on the planet.

Will the United States be able to get out of this crisis? It must be hoped for, as does for example the Venetian Foreign Minister Arreaga, representative of the country that has suffered the most attacks and threats from the Washington administration in terms of sanctions in my opinion genocide, threats of armed intervention and promotion of internal terrorism (a starting, it should be remembered, of a decision that saw Barack Obama as protagonist).

It must be hoped for. However, to see the weak and dull Joe Biden, a president absolutely devoid of charisma and for this reason chosen by the Democratic Party apparatus, who won only because Trump was now unbearable to the majority (unfortunately quite narrow) of the American people, it is to be doubted. If, on the other hand, we look at the great mass movement, made up of women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians and not indifferent sectors of the proletariat and the white middle classes, we can affirm that there is some possibility of survival and perhaps of revival for the United States. But on the condition of totally changing their internal and international policies with a deep bath of humility.

However, a transition period awaits us, which will certainly hold new unpleasant surprises. Tens of thousands of well-armed militias across the United States continue to blindly obey their supreme commander, from historic organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan to new ones such as the Proud Boys and the like that are the expression of the worst. white supremacism. And we know well how Trump continues to count on faithful, more or less covered, within the armed forces, especially the police but also the FBI, the National Guard, etc.

So the civil war, initially in a creeping form, but then who knows, is a prospect that should not be excluded. The country remains more or less split in half. And it is necessary to organize to provide supportive solidarity, on all levels, to the American anti-fascists who will face trials that are not easy and of a totally obvious outcome.

In the meantime, we will see what kind of reaction the US political system will be able to provide to the coup attack. The legitimate rulers will have to reject any attempt to exercise undue and improper conditioning on the political system and the decisions that will be adopted in the various spheres. In my opinion, Donald Trump should be immediately removed from office, put on trial and sentenced for high treason to an appropriate sentence.

Certainly on the international level, Washington's unworthy spectacle harms the various Trump imitators and followers, from Bolsonaro to Salvini and Meloni. And this can only please us. In the awareness that such violent outcomes in our country remain highly improbable, while certain crazed splinters of the political system (today especially Renzi) take on other modus operandi, which are also deleterious but not up to that point.

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