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Melania Trump talks about her marriage

 Melania Trump talks about her marriage

Melania Trump talks about her marriage

Melania Trump comments on the state of their marriage in an interview. She talks about whether she's happy in the White House and what she thinks of her husband's politics.

What is it like to be the wife of US President Donald Trump? A man who is said to have had a number of affairs - including one with a porn actress while his wife was pregnant? (Trump denies infidelity.) A man who said that if you were a star like him, you could do anything, including touching women by the genitals? (Trump apologized for it.) First Lady Melania Trump has now spoken in a long exclusive interview - also on the status of their marriage.

Few marriages are as much in the spotlight as those of Donald Trump (72), the 45th President of the United States, and Melania Trump, the 24 years younger ex-model from Slovenia. The broadcaster ABC accompanied Melania Trump, who was born as Melanija Knavsin, on her solo trip to Africa recently - and ABC reporter Tom Llamas had long conversations with her. According to Llamas, no topics were taboo during the interview, and so it was of course also about Donald Trump's alleged infidelities.

Melania Trump is not worried about her husband's affairs

Would these alleged affairs have weighed on your marriage? Melania Trump's diplomatic response: Don't worry, she has better things to do than deal with such speculation. “I'm a mother and a first lady, and I have much more important things to think about and do,” she says. However, she does not explicitly say that there were no such affairs.

Llamas asks Melania Trump, “You mentioned that you are still having a good marriage. Do you love your husband? ”The first lady's rather cautious response:“ Yes, we are fine. ”The media speculated,“ and it's gossip. It's not always true stuff. ”The speculations are“ of course not always pleasant, ”says Melania Trump. "But I know what is right and what is wrong and what is true and what is not true."

In fact, there is much speculation about the status of the marriage, which is Donald Trump's third: recordings went around the world in which Donald Trump tries to take Melania's hand - and she seems to refuse to hold him. Another shot is from Trump's inauguration in January 2017: He smiles at Melania, she gives him a bright smile in return. As soon as he turns away, her face literally collapses. US media reports that Donald and Melania have separate bedrooms in the White House.

Melania Trump: "My husband does an incredible job"

Melania Trump now emphasizes: "I really love living in Washington in the White House." Should Donald Trump - as he announced - actually run for president again in 2020, she will support him. "I believe my husband is doing an amazing job for this nation."

There was something glamorous about the job of the first lady, if you think back to Melania Trump's predecessor Michelle Obama. Melania Trump, on the other hand, hardly appeared in public at the beginning of her husband's term of office, at times she had disappeared from the scene. In the meantime, however, the first lady has clearly gained in profile - and seems to be setting accents that contradict her husband's politics, even if she doesn't want it to be understood in that way.

In May, the First Lady launched the “Be Best” initiative, which looks after children. In doing so, she is also active against cyber bullying, i.e. against bullying on social media. Some argue that the biggest cyber-bully of our time is Donald Trump, his toughest weapon is Twitter. Those who fall out of favor with Trump are sometimes called "losers", "idiot" or "dog" in presidential tweets and given adjectives such as "stupid", "weak" or "pathetic". Trump is followed by more than 55 million people on Twitter.

Melania Trump openly opposed her husband's zero tolerance policy on illegal immigration, which led to the separation of children from their parents on the border with Mexico. In the summer, horrific scenes ravaged the USA when small children were locked up in assembly camps all alone. The first lady traveled to the border to see for herself.

Melania Trump now tells ABC: "It was heartbreaking. And I responded with my own voice. ”Llamas advises the first lady that her husband's policies led to the situation. "Yes, and I let him know," she replies. "I told him that was unacceptable." In fact, the president stopped the separation of children from their parents - a sign that Melania's influence may be greater than expected.

The president generally takes a tough stance on immigration - at least when it is not about his own family. Trump repeatedly railed against so-called chain migration, when immigrants bring their relatives to the USA. Melania Trump's Slovenian parents recently obtained US citizenship precisely this way.

President Trump has divided the USA: into supporters who adore him for his unconventional political style and opponents who despise him for precisely that. In a way, this split continues with Melania Trump, as ABC correspondent Terry Moran says. For people who like President Trump, she is "a great first lady," says Moran. "For people who do not like President Trump, she is either the beauty who lives with the beast or the princess who is trapped in the castle with the dragon." (Dpa)

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