The vice presidential candidate is actually already studying as president. To "grandfather" Biden, 78, the task of acting as a training ship (by Fulvio Scaglione)
Did you like the presidential debate? Ok, I know. Debating, in the anti-Covid amphitheater set up at the University of Utah, were the deputies. The real one, of the incumbent president, aka Mike Pence. And the hypothetical one, chosen by the candidate for president of the Democrats Joe Biden, that is Kamala Harris, the first black woman to find herself in the ticket for the White House.
Why presidential debate? For so many reasons. The first is that Donald Trump is not fighting with Biden but with himself. Under normal conditions, let's say the conditions in which the US found itself until the end of last February, there would have been no history. The American economy was flying, unemployment was at an all-time low, wages were rising ... Not surprisingly, most observers considered Trump's re-election very likely.
Then came the Coronavirus, the first real emergency of the Trump presidency. And there The Donald collapsed: bombastic declarations, one gaffe after another, attacks on doctors and specialists, imaginative medical prescriptions, declared hostility to the mask, all while the virus went crazy (infected and dead have been growing steadily since March, without a moment of remission and to American citizens, already involved in the controversies and divisions on racial discrimination, no one could give the impression of really knowing what to do. Finally, Trump's own illness. It will be the virus that will make him lose the presidency. Biden just had to stay calm, be reasonable, smile and reap the rewards.
Biden, however, is not the candidate the Democrats wanted, he is just the candidate they had available. Expert (he has been on the US political scene for almost half a century), sympathetic, faithful follower of Barack Obama (the two are really friends), reputation for honest person. Plus, welcome to the Democratic Party establishment, from Clintons to Obamas to Pelosi. Not a small thing. But he is not the temper of a president. Biden is a second row. Luxury, perhaps, but nothing more. They do not recognize lightning-fast ideas and not even significant successes. When Obama was president he was in charge of managing the crisis in Ukraine: between the scandal of his son Hunter (a luxury salaried employee of a Russian-owned Ukrainian company) and the general political outcome, not exactly a triumph.
Plus, Biden is 78 years old. With Trump, who is 74, he forms the oldest pair of White House challengers in American election history. Beyond the nice statistical data, and without wanting to guess anyone, this makes the hypothesis that during a possible Biden presidency the need to apply the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, the one that was introduced after the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1963) and the ensuing chaos in the White House. For an illness, a sudden inability to perform presidential functions (and in that case the Amendment can also be applied on the initiative of the majority of the members of the Government) or the death of the president.
In any case, Biden would be a president in old age, an octogenarian in one of the most exhausting chairs in the world. This is why the debate between Pence and Harris served above all to "measure" Harris. In a double sense: as an indispensable support to the elderly (perhaps president) Biden in the immediate future and as a possible candidate for the presidency in 2024, when an 83-year-old Biden could hardly reapply.
Madama the president in pectore did not disfigure, quite the contrary. What her curriculum, however, authorized to foresee. Daughter of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father (so please don't call her African American, if anything, Asian American or Indo-American), Harris comes from the world of justice, having been California attorney general for seven years. In 2017 she became a Democratic senator for the same state and three years later she became a candidate for vice president. She looks combination, three years in the Senate and then rushed to the White House just like Barack Obama.
Harris is tough, she has learned to be tough in courtrooms. But she is also smart. The real political secretary of the Democratic Party, Obama himself, a few months ago scolded Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic representatives in Congress who had supported Bernie Sanders in the primaries against Biden and, more generally, supported radical, left-wing policies of the Party Democratic. Harris got the message and went for the wind. No more New Green Deal (the plan for a sustainable economy presented by Ocasio-Cortez and rejected in the Senate with 43 abstained Democrats), a free public university for all, a benevolent welcome for the