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Trump continues to fight but the loyalists: «Stop». And Melania thinks about divorce

Trump continues to fight but the loyalists: «Stop». And Melania thinks about divorce

Trump continues to fight but the loyalists: «Stop». And Melania thinks about divorce

 He will forgive himself, in the certainty that the Supreme Court will accept such a step. There are many who argue that in the eleven weeks he has left in the White House, Donald Trump will worry about securing himself from possible indictments of his work as president. Others say they are confident that Trump will distribute favors and pardons to friends and advisors, to keep them good and have strong support once he returns to ordinary citizens. And finally there are those who are sure that the president will leave behind some poisoned meatballs, to slow down and disturb the presidency of his successor, for example by firing a large number of employees of the various ministries, who would thus remain half-empty and unable to function.

He does not give up

But all these rumors do not ignore the fact that Trump has not given up yet and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, promises a visit to court this morning to launch a flurry of at least five lawsuits against the states accused of having counted not only the legal votes but also the illegal ones. And just as the battle over the elections reaches its climax, rumors about a possible divorce of Melania from Trump begin to circulate with insistence. Voices not confirmed, but which seem the logical conclusion of a relationship that has appeared worn, especially in the last year. The First Lady, in fact, supported her husband only in the final phase of the election campaign. Maybe a little late. And yet, she too, perhaps just to ward off these rumors, felt she had to publicly defend Donald and tweeted: “Americans deserve fair elections. Any legal, not illegal, vote must be counted. We must protect our democracy with complete transparency ».

Gloomy atmosphere

Various journalists accredited to the White House describe an atmosphere of the end of the Roman Empire, with the loyalists, headed by their daughter Ivanka, busy convincing a maddened Trump to quit. But he, even now, has no intention of acknowledging Biden's victory. It is said that Saturday night they reduced themselves to lighting rose-scented candles to try to relax him, after his team of lawyers made the glaring mistake of booking the wrong venue for the press conference in which they were to announce the launch of the lawsuits. tomorrow. In fact, instead of finding themselves in the elegant lounges of the Fours Seasons Hotel, the group ended up at the address of a nurseryman, also called Four Seasons.

The photo of Rudy Giuliani speaking in front of the windows of the nursery, which was also near a porn store, was relaunched on social media to prove the collapse of the Trump presidency. Various experts and study centers have so far argued that all the lawsuits Trump is expected to present today would not have the power to change the election outcome because they relate to districts where Biden's lead is too great to be flipped with a fistful of ballots. inaccurate or falsely awarded.

Yesterday morning, however, Trump tried to stretch his nerves with his usual round of golf, while various Republican representatives instead extended a hand of solidarity to the elected president. Above all, Mitt Romney stood out, trying to pacify the president by admitting that "it is legitimate to ask for checks and possibly recount, when appropriate", but also added that "it is necessary to do so by choosing the words carefully, and for of freedom all over the world it is important that there is no talk of fraud if there is no evidence ».

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