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Barron Trump, 10-year-old businessman and golf player

 Barron Trump, 10-year-old businessman and golf player

Barron Trump, 10-year-old businessman and golf player

We have seen Barron Trump (10), the son of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania, struggling to stay awake the night of his father's election victory, with his backpack on his back coming down from Air Force One, yawning in Trump's inauguration or playing "peek-a-boo" (cuckoo!) with his nephew in the Oval Office while the president signed executive orders.

After the son of the presidential couple inadvertently became the center of comments and jokes on social media, Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton, came to his defense. "Barron Trump has the right of every child to be a child," she wrote on Facebook. She herself was 12 when she came to the White House with her family.

The famous former White House fellow Monica Lewinsky has also come to the defense of Barron Trump. "All children need to be protected from bullying and teasing (including Barron Trump)," Lewinsky, who has become an activist against cyberbullying, wrote on Twitter.

The Trump Administration has asked the press to respect Barron's privacy, just as he has previously done with the children of other presidents. "It is an ingrained tradition that they are given the opportunity to grow outside of the political focus. The White House has full confidence that the tradition will continue," the White House said in a statement.

Barron Trump, 10-year-old businessman and golf player

Barron will move to Washington with the first lady when he finishes the school year in mid-June at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory, a private school on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York, which costs $ 45,000 a year.

The only son of the presidential couple, who is quite tall for his age, has four stepbrothers, the result of two previous marriages of the president: Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka - sons of Trump and his first wife Ivana - and Tiffany, daughter of the president. president and his second wife Marla Maples. But Barron will be the only one living with the couple in the White House.

Barron, whom Melania affectionately calls "little Donald" in private even though there is already a Donald Trump Junior in the family, will experience in the next four years what it is like to grow up at 1,600 Pennsylvania Avenue, after living in a luxurious penthouse in the Trump Tower, where he had not a room, but an entire floor to himself.

In an interview with parenting.com, Melania defined herself as "a full-time mother." For Barron, who is bilingual English-Slovenian, his mother usually makes him breakfast, she takes him to and from school frequently and attends parents' meetings. The former model also revealed that Donald Trump didn't change Barron's diapers when he was a baby, but that she enjoys playing golf with him, having dinner together and enjoying family time.

According to Melania, his son is a very determined, intelligent, orderly, independent, creative, stubborn child who knows what he wants. "Sometimes I call him little Donald. He is a mixture of the two physically, but it is because of his personality that I call him little Donald," explained the former model, who said that when he was five years old, he said he wanted to be like his father: "a businessman and a golfer."

When he was (younger), Barron liked to play with Magna Tiles (magnetic pieces) and Lego and build "big projects", like his father. And if he wanted, he could paint the walls of his room, because his mother did not want to clip the wings of his imagination. The former model, who is very aware of Barron at all times, also revealed in 2013 to the television network ABC News that her son is not "a boy in sports pants."

"He doesn't mind wearing a suit jacket - but not every day - and he likes to wear a tie sometimes, like Dad," Melania said. In that interview she also explained that she used to put her son after bath with Caviar Complex C6 moisturizer, from the line of beauty products that she launched.

It is not yet known which school Barron will attend when he moves to the White House. He may follow in the footsteps of Sasha and Malia Obama and Chelsea Clinton and go to the elite Sidwell Friends school or opt for another more conservative private school. Anyway, being the son of Donald Trump in a city as democratic as Washington DC will be difficult, although Barron will be getting used to that living in New York. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton won the District of Columbia with 90.9% of the vote.

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