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Melania Trump forgets Donald for Valentine's Day: this message that keeps the confusion alive

Melania Trump forgets Donald for Valentine's Day: this message that keeps the confusion alive

Melania Trump forgets Donald for Valentine's Day: this message that keeps the confusion alive

 After dropping him at a party organized for the Super Bowl, Melania Trump once again despised her husband. In her Valentine's Day message posted this Sunday, February 14, the ex-first lady preferred to honor sick children rather than Donald Trump ...

Melania and Donald Trump are they about to separate? While some claim that the former presidential couple could divorce in the coming months, or even "before the summer", one thing is certain: relations are not in good shape between the former president of the United States and his wife. Since their arrival in Mar-a-Lago, their life has apparently taken a new turn. After being conspicuous by his absence at a dinner organized for the Super Bowl in early February, Barron Trump's mother failed to mention her husband in a Valentine's Day message posted on social networks. While it is customary to address a few words to the man or woman we love on the feast of lovers, Melania Trump preferred to honor sick children rather than her husband.

“On this Valentine's Day, I think of the brave and inspiring children of The Children's Inn and NIH who I have visited in recent years. Send them love and strength, today and every other day ", she wrote, without mentioning her husband of fifteen, on this day yet supposed to celebrate love. Already the day before, Melania Trump honored the children she met during her four years in the White House. In the caption of a video recording several of her trips, the fallen first lady wrote: "It was wonderful to meet all the amazing children around the world. Wishing everyone a happy Valentine's weekend."

In Mar-a-Lago, Melania Trump continues to work

Another element that maintains the confusion: the creation of a new Instagram account. As reported by our colleagues at the Washington Post on February 12, the former tenant of the White House has created a new account called "The Office of Melania Trump". "Ms. Melania Trump announces the opening of the office of Melania Trump. Please follow this account for news and updates," Internet users could read at the time of the creation of this mysterious new account.

According to CNN, the person allegedly "hired three White House staff to help set up this office." Donald Trump's wife has yet to reveal what future projects she plans to work on now. Last January, our American colleagues reported that Hayley d'Antuano, Mary Finzer and Marcia Kelly, his three former collaborators, had the mission to support Melania Trump as part of his Be Best campaign, a program dedicated to protection from childhood. A cause that was particularly close to her heart when she was in the White House and that she wishes to continue defending. In parallel, she would also look into writing a book, devoted to her years as First Lady of the United States. In the meantime, the enigmatic Melania Trump relishes her new life in Mar-a-Lago and remains, once again, very mysterious about the future ...

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