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Porn actress Stormy Daniels sues Donald Trump to overturn their deal

Porn actress Stormy Daniels sues Donald Trump to overturn their deal
Porn actress Stormy Daniels sues Donald Trump to overturn their deal

The one named Stephanie Clifford in civilian life would have had an intimate relationship with the American president.

Porn actress Stormy Daniels filed a complaint this Tuesday, March 6 in Los Angeles against US President Donald Trump in an attempt to invalidate the confidentiality clause she signed with him, according to court documents.

The one named Stephanie Clifford in civilian life and allegedly had an intimate relationship with Donald Trump, claims in this complaint that the non-disclosure agreement is invalid because the president himself did not initial it.

"The complainant is asking for an order from this court declaring that the agreement was never formed and that it does not exist, among other things because Mr. Trump never signed it," said this complaint unveiled by his lawyer, Michael Avenatti.

This clause was signed by Stephanie Clifford and Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen on October 28, 2016, a few days before the presidential election that brought Donald Trump to the White House, details the complaint.

"The agreement imposed various conditions and obligations not only on Ms. Clifford but also on Mr. Trump. It also required the signature of all parties, including that of Mr. Trump," the document continued.

"Bogus arbitration procedure"

"As is customary, it was clear at all times that unless all parties signed the required documents, the confidentiality agreement, with all of its terms and conditions, would be void," the text continues.

A transfer of $ 130,000 was nonetheless made to the benefit of Stormy Daniels, who was named as Peggy Peterson in the agreement.

According to the complaint, as of January 2018 and the emergence of "details of the deal" in the media, "Mr. Cohen, through tactics of coercion and intimidation, forced Ms. Clifford to sign a fake statement where it stated that information about a relationship with Mr. Trump was false. "

“Around February 13, Mr. Cohen issued a statement about Ms. Clifford and the existence of a confidentiality agreement without her consent” and around February 27 “Mr. Cohen slyly started bogus arbitration against Ms. Clifford in Los Angeles (...) without notifying him ".

Among other details, the complaint notes that Stephanie Clifford and Donald Trump had an intimate relationship - which started in Lake Tahoe, California - between the summer of 2006 and "much of 2007".

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