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The frenzied speech of Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, at the Republican Convention

 The frenzied speech of Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, at the Republican Convention

The frenzied speech of Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, at the Republican Convention

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, became the star of the first night of the Republican National Convention, delivering a harsh message against Joe Biden, talking about socialism, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran and highlighting the achievements of the current US president

Her dress was red, the color of the match. Republican red. She wore impeccable long brown hair, well-made blue eyes and just a pair of earrings so as not to distract from the words, from what she wanted to say. President Donald Trump's party convention began yesterday, which formally nominated him to seek reelection in November, and the star of the event was his daughter-in-law, Kimberly Guilfoyle, the girlfriend of his first-born Donald Trump Jr.

With the brightness in her eyes, the exclamatory tone of victory and the conviction of the American dream that she tried to convey, the woman gave a speech that was the most shared of the night on social networks and replicated in the world's media.

The first thing she did about her was to highlight her motherhood. She said, into the microphone: “Good evening America, I am Kimberly Guilfoyle and I am here to speak to you as a mother, a former attorney, a Latina and a proud American. Proud to support the president ”. And so, with this nod to a community that does not feel mostly represented by the president, who on more than one occasion showed how little affection he has for immigrants, from his campaign in favor of the wall on the border and more , He sought to open the scene for the November elections, which for now according to the polls would give victory to the Democratic duo Joe Biden-Kamala Harris.

With a smile always in the center of her face, Guilfoyle gave her reasons for trusting in a second Trump term and highlighted the president and attacked the opposition, whom she called wanting to "fundamentally change the nation". "They want to open borders, close schools, send jobs to China, get rich."

“As a first generation American, I know how dangerous your socialist agenda is. My mother Mercedes was a teacher from Puerto Rico and my father, also an immigrant, came to this nation in search of the American dream. Now, I consider it my job to try to protect that dream, "said Guilfoyle in a voice that seemed on the verge of breaking into tears and later added that policies like those of Cuba and Venezuela cannot take root in the cities of the United States. .

The frenzied speech of Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, at the Republican Convention

Then, to exemplify what could happen if the Democratic formula comes to power, she said, “Just look at California. It is a place of immense wealth, innovation and an immaculate environment. And the Democrats turned it into a land of heroin needles discarded in parks, riots in the streets and blackouts in homes. "

With an impetus that on more than one occasion led her to raise her voice, raising her arms, as if she were before a gigantic crowd in a square, surrounded by country flags that matched her outfit, she affirmed: “They want to destroy this country and everything we have fought for and cherish. They want to steal your freedom. "

After that, the woman insisted on the achievements, in her opinion, of Trump's administration: she spoke about the renegotiated free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada, about the attack launched to end the life of Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian military high command which the US accused of being a terrorist, and about the return of manufactures to the country that were previously produced abroad.

“President Trump believes in you, he emancipates you and raises you up to live your American dream. You are capable, you are qualified, you have the ability to choose your lives and determine your destiny, ”she said almost shouting. "Like my parents, you can be that shining example to the world."

The frenzied speech of Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, at the Republican Convention

Who is it

Kimberly Guilfoyle defines herself on her social media as "mother, sister, patriot, proud American." She is the chair of the Donald Trump campaign finance committee and Donald Jr.'s current partner began their relationship in 2018.

Her mother is Puerto Rican and her father Irish. She is a lawyer, with experience in the San Francisco prosecutor's office, and now an advisor to the president, according to what was published by The Huffington Post.

At age 51, she participated in more than one opportunity as a political analyst on television networks. Between 2001 and 2006 she was married to Democrat Gavin Newsom, when he was the mayor of San Francisco. He today he is the governor of California, the state she criticized.

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