The hypothesis that Barron Trump, 10-year-old son of the President of the United States, may have traits that could make him assume as a person on the autism spectrum is persistently circulating online. Some already label the rumor as a "hoax", others use it to establish a link with their father's anti-vaccine campaign, others, such as Marina Viola from Boston, reflect on this rumor trying as much as possible to circumscribe it. Marina then tells us the story, without hiding her personal position with respect to Trump's victory.
It is clear that no one intends to give credit to diagnoses made "by eye", much less to attribute a problem such as autism to a child without having any official admission. It is however a relevant fact that we talk about this and it is right that we expect a confirmation or denial of this hypothesis. It is not indifferent to know since Donald Trump indulged in chilling statements about autism in the election campaign.
He will not be indifferent to the general perception of families regarding autistic fantasy theories that the President of the United States can officially make of him. On the contrary, even if it were true that one of us autistic will soon be a tenant in the White House, it would be, in the correct view of the problem, a great occasion of pride for all of us.
If I can express my personal opinion from the mere observation of the photos and videos, it can only be objectively concluded that we see a child, rightly, tired and tried by a certainly "intense" family moment like the victory in the race for the Presidency. (GN)
That Tuesday night, when all of us were optimistic in front of the television, confident that Hillary Clinton would win, she will go down in history for generations. We will try to forget the champagne left there in the refrigerator, next to the expired food, alongside the sense of guilt that one has when something is wasted, the polls of the New York Times and other newspapers that gave certainty to a woman's historic victory, political discussions, the inadequacy of having a candidate like Donald Trump, who is the equivalent of an Italian Briatore or Mora. The whole world thought that the Republican candidate, the one who winks at the Ku Kux Klan and the neo-Nazi ideology of white supremacy, becomes just a bad memory, a belch to try to keep in the daily life of Americans. Instead, that fateful Tuesday in November everything became reality, another bad thing that we have to get used to while we hold our noses. Because it wasn't just Donald Trump who won that night. He won the most bigoted, most ignorant, most racist part of America. Machismo and intolerance have won.
There are many categories of people that Donald Trump offended during his election campaign: Muslims, Latin Americans, women, whom he would like to harass because, he says, is stronger than him and when he sees a beautiful woman he wants to put his tongue in mouth and hands in panties. And then the disabled. He mocked them, during that famous press conference in which a handicapped journalist wanted to ask him an uncomfortable question and he made fun of him in front of cameras all over the world.
For us who have disabled children, which means vulnerable and marginalized, it was difficult to watch that video. And for us who take it for granted that our children's lives can be dignified thanks to the services financed by the federal government, which with this victory will certainly be cut, having a president like Donald Trump becomes a serious concern, one that makes you fix the ceiling at night, trying to hold back the panic.
After analyzing the behavior of Trump's youngest son, Barron, during the election campaign and during the announcement of the presidential victory, there are more and more voices convinced that the boy has clear autistic traits. When Trump triumphantly announces his victory, to his right is Barron awkward, confused, showing very little empathy. Instead of euphoric, his reaction to such a great moment is that of a lost, detached, absent boy.
He also shows quite obvious tics and when touched by his father, he immediately detaches himself from him, as if he cannot tolerate physical contact. There are images that show how little Trump clapping without touching his hands, but making a peculiar gesture. He seems, in short, one of our children, dragged into a situation greater than him without being prepared or accompanied.
The assumptions about his possible autism are leaking from all sides, also validated by some statements by Trump and his wife Melania. Donald explains how he saw with his eyes a 'perfect' child change after massive doses of vaccinations, and sides with those who think vaccinations can cause autism. He says on another occasion that his son does nothing but stay in front of computers, completely ignoring everything that goes around him. Melania, with her Eastern accent and her kilo of makeup, explains how vaccines are dangerous and how her son Barron always wants to wear the same clothes, doesn't like being around people and is a boy ' particular'. She also says that she wants to start her First Lady career by fighting bullying.
Of course, it is these diagnoses that have the time they find, but it is also true that we who know about autism cannot help but agree, if only on some of the observations made.
If all of this is true, for the first time in US history there will be an autistic boy in the White House. It could truly be a unique opportunity to highlight autism and its strange characteristics. It would be nice if we talked about it in a scientific way, if we could really make autism a kind of normality, a way of life rather than something to hide or to cure. It would be nice if through the experience of the Trump family he really managed to open important doors for all of us. If it could become an example of how to educate people on the spectrum, to make them participate in a reality suited to their needs.
Unfortunately, given Donald Trump's position on so many scientific data, for example on the now dangerous destruction of our planet due to pollution, which he believes is nothing more than a stupid conspiracy launched by the Chinese to limit the production of polluting materials, I have very little faith in this administration on anything to do with scientific research. And if we are already starting to say that it's all vaccines' fault, then I see a very dark future for all of us, a return to an embarrassing and ignorant past.
I only hope that Barron Trump, if he is a hooligan too, manages, in his own way, to live his state with dignity and pride, and that he is not kept hidden and treated as a person who was 'perfect' but then, after vaccines , it changes, as if to say that it loses its perfection and becomes autistic.