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This is the secret that Melania Trump is still slim ahead of the age of 50

This is the secret that Melania Trump is still slim ahead of the age of 50

This is the secret that Melania Trump is still slim ahead of the age of 50

Recently, Melania Trump has been in the spotlight for being considered to have a twin who replaced her duties as first lady. The #fakeMelania conspiracy theory was blowing very hard.

The truth behind this issue has not been proven, but there is one interesting thing that can be observed from the US First Lady, namely Melania Trump's slim body.

This is the secret that Melania Trump is still slim ahead of the age of 50

As a woman who will be 50 years old, Melania still looks beautiful and has a slender, well-groomed body. Apparently Donald Trump's wife admitted that she didn't force her body to diet.

Refinery29 reports that Melania Trump just lives a healthy lifestyle and being slim is just a bonus.

"It's not a diet, I just like eating healthy because it makes me feel better and have more energy," he said.

In an interview with Express, Melania divulged a secret, namely that she does not limit the food consumed daily.

Melania just ensures that the intake she receives is always healthy. This healthy food is what he always consumes in the morning before starting his routine.

This is the secret that Melania Trump is still slim ahead of the age of 50

Usually, Melania has breakfast with a menu consisting of fiber-rich oatmeal or a high-nutritional smoothie with added vitamins in it.

The Slovenian-born woman also admits that she likes snacking, it's just not potato chips like what we eat, but she chooses fruits with high antioxidants.

Melania can even spend 6-7 fruit every day.

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