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What does Melania Trump eat every day to be so beautifully fit and fabulous at 47?

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 What does Melania Trump eat every day to be so beautifully fit and fabulous at 47?

What does Melania Trump eat every day to be so beautifully fit and fabulous at 47?

Smoothies in the morning, vitamins on vitamins but also some (very small) gluttony

Melania Trump statuesque physique, long legs, slim waist, toned arms. Melania Trump is 47 years old and atomic and no one can deny it. Sure, much of her credit for her top 10 form is genetic, but if the First Lady on the threshold of 50 sports the same physique as she did when she debuted on the runways at 17, it's also thanks to her routine. feed her. Chatting with Refinery 29, the wife of the President of the United States, however, wanted to make a clarification, not wanting to talk about a real diet but a healthy regime. "I like to eat healthy because I feel better and so I have more energy," she said explaining her personal relationship with food.

What does Melania Trump eat every day to be so beautifully fit and fabulous at 47?

And if her husband Donald Trump is literally obsessed with junk food and his favorite dinners are burgers, French fries, fried chicken and sodas, his better half, on the other hand, follows a balanced diet in the name of moderation. which allows her to maintain a stunning body, which does not seem to be affected by time and which means that she can wear any type of look and always be divine.

What does Melania Trump eat every day to be so beautifully fit and fabulous at 47?

A fundamental part of the First Lady's diet is fruit, which can never be missing on her table, starting from the early hours of the day. For a healthy and vitamin-rich breakfast, Mrs Trump prefers a light and healthy smoothie, as she herself confessed on her social networks. In the blender, organic fruit and vegetables, mixed with fat-free yogurt, olive oil, flaxseed, Omega-3 and vitamin D. What is your favorite juice? With spinach, orange juice and yogurt. Instead of the detox smoothie, however, she sometimes opts for oats always paired with fruit, of which she consumes at least seven servings a day. As for lunch and dinner, instead, space for lots of vegetables (no onions and artichokes, which she just can't stand as told on The Martha Stewart Show ed), white meats and fish.

This does not mean that Melania does not indulge in some gluttony from time to time. Although she tries to moderate her consumption of sugars, she does not completely exclude them from her diet, because "they are good for the body and mood". What can she not say no to? Chocolate and ice cream, of which her husband Donald is also a great admirer. Of course the important thing, a bit like in all things, is not to abuse it.

Lady Trump admitted she misses New York City for the variety of restaurants only the Big Apple has to offer. Her favorite dish is in fact the chicken parmigianino, that is the chicken served with tomato and cheese, prepared by the Jean George restaurant in Manhattan. White House chefs know who to call to take notes.

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