Lover of burgers and fries, the American president has never hidden his taste for fast food. But this culinary choice also hides a more surprising explanation.
It's no secret: Donald Trump is crazy about junk food, and especially McDonald's burgers. But there would be a very serious explanation behind this unreasonable passion, and not frankly healthy.
The fear of being poisoned
In his shocking book to be published on January 9, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House (in French "The fire and the fury: in the White House of Trump"), the American journalist Michael Wolff, among others shattering revelations, explains why the American president has always had his preference for fast food, and more particularly during his campaign.
According to him, the real estate mogul, who has put aside business for politics, has long lived in anguish of being poisoned. By eating at McDonald's, and at fast food in general, he felt reassured.
"No one knew he was coming and the food was prepared safely," writes Michael Wolff.
Culinary preference
During his election campaign, the candidate Trump, visibly little concerned with eating a healthy diet, regularly appeared at the table in front of a taco, greasy fries, or even a bucket of KFC-stamped fried chicken, often aboard his private plane .
A way to eat quickly in the middle of a busy schedule, to be close to the people, but also a certain culinary preference. And which had pushed the American press to analyze the content of its fast-food menus, and the risks to its health.
Obsessed with hygiene
But the love of burgers is not the only explanation. As the New York Times explains, Donald Trump is also obsessed with cleanliness and hygiene, and lives in fear of catching germs. The basic promise displayed by Mc Donald's of a respect for hygiene rules, would have seduced the businessman who became president.
"I'm a very clean person. I like cleanliness, and I think it's better to go there than to places where you don't know where the food comes from," he once explained to the reporter from CNN Anderson Cooper. We now know that this obsession with hygiene was coupled with a certain paranoia.