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Donald Trump takes a pill to grow his golden hair

 Donald Trump takes a pill to grow his golden hair

Donald Trump takes a pill to grow his golden hair

According to his personal doctor, the new American president swallows the lozenges to avoid premature baldness. And maintain its famous wick.

Among the Merovingians, long hair was synonymous with great virility and royal power. We must believe that Donald Trump, of Germanic origin, has kept some atavisms of this ancestral custom ... The new President of the United States would do anything to keep his famous yellowish mane that has intrigued the world for over a year. According to his personal doctor, quoted by the very serious New York Times, Donald Trump would go so far as to take pills to promote the growth of his hair. It would be finasteride, a drug normally used for the treatment of the prostate, but well known to act effectively against male pattern baldness ... "He has all his hair", confirms Dr. Harold N. Bornstein who follows the elected Republican since the 1980s, denying any wearing of a wig, as his detractors once suggested.

"Chick yellow" coloring

Far from making it a taboo, Donald Trump has made his hair his pride, his totem, his trademark: according to him, his cut may be outdated, but it contrasts with those of the elite, just like his speech ... "My hair may not be very beautiful, he said on Channel 4, but it is mine!" "Become a real subject of campaign, the Americans did not miss any hair detail on the cut of their future president: the daily use of spray to give volume to the hair, this famous helmet wanted to hide his skull, the coloring" chick yellow ”in order to obtain these golden reflections which evoke that of the dominant lion, not always successful, moreover ... If certain specialists evoked the installation of implants, Dr. Bornstein has just given the last element which was missing to close the chapter : taking doping drugs ...

Cholesterol and rosacea

It is this same doctor who had written quick medical reports on his illustrious patient during the electoral campaign, affirming that the Republican candidate had a horse's health, raising serious questions. Some specialists had suspected Donald Trump of having prostate cancer when he saw his abnormally low level of PSA (prostate specific antigen): the drugs used to treat the disease indeed lower this rate. A hypothesis denied today by Dr. Bornstein who says that if the PSA level is so low, it is because of the taking of the drug to fight against baldness and nothing else. According to him, Donald Trump suffers only from cholesterol and rosacea, a skin disease that causes redness and unpleasant hot flashes. He would also take an aspirin every day to reduce the risk of a heart attack. However, the doctor omits to specify that taking finasteride is not trivial, because it can cause libido and erection disorders in some patients ...

For the moment, no vengeful or ironic tweet from Donald Trump vis-à-vis his family doctor. On the other hand, the new president decided to keep in his post Dr. Ronny Jackson, who officiated in the White House under Obama. Would he hold his tongue better?

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