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Donald Trump is engaged in a decisive game of poker. In poker, uncertainty, bluffing and reversals are part of the game, and it's with the last move, on the “all-in”, that you know who's the winner. If Donald Trump loses, he will quickly be thrown in the trash of history. If he wins, if he manages to "overturn the table" and get elected, in view of his fight against the progressive oligarchic system of his country, he will prove that he is one of the greatest leaders of the world. State the USA has ever had.

One of the problems we bourgeois have is our propensity to believe that our own values ​​are universal when they are only our own. So, we think that a rough-hewn, yellow-haired, cap-like, apparently erratic political leader who sends out forty tweets a day is certainly a "bad" or even a "sucker".


For us, bourgeois codes should apply to everyone and, first and foremost, what matters most to us, appearance and cleanliness: good education, measured speech, intellectual fluency, outward empathy. It does not matter the substance, the sincerity and the patriotism, it does not matter whether the leader is a big liar or even a frank scoundrel, what matters are the codes. They confirm that the leader sends us the signs that he is from our world and defends us. Kennedy, Giscard, Clinton, Obama, Macron even more, understood and adopted these bourgeois codes.

It does not usually matter to us what the lower classes think of polished or even "little marquis" styles and, if not precisely the opposite of their own codes, what they hate the most. If we were to ask this question, we would ask the "rednecks", the American "rednecks" if, beyond what he does, Trump's style is really a problem for them. We do not do it because we already know the answer: they would say that they do not care and that what matters is the way he defends them and how he manages to straighten the strong relationship in their favor. / weak today shamefully unbalanced in favor of the strong.

For us "educated" bourgeois who dislike conflict, what matters above all is form. And behind form, is freedom, understood as the sum of the opportunities offered to us, to us as a priority. If this freedom is used, a little or even a lot, in our service, it is ultimately not very serious. We will not be fussy to check if we are not too "on the right side of the handle" ...

For the weak and the neglected, on the contrary, it is first of all the substance that counts, and the way in which social justice works: the State, "their" State, in principle at their service, does it defend them sufficiently? ? Behind the fine words, are the trade-offs really made in their favor? Is the law enforced when attacking forts? Compared to us, they see things the other way around. For them, "it is freedom that oppresses, and the law that frees" (Lacordaire). Do they really “liberate the law”, they think?


What about Donald Trump's action on this front? In a country that has become, over time, an "oligarchic dictatorship", we know that its political project is to restore the dignity of the people and the power of the state. Improving the lot of the popular classes, restoring their dignity, increasing their purchasing power, he has done so far, and quite well.

The second step, bringing the oligarchy in line, reducing the exorbitant power of the media, breaking the resistance of the "deep state" and the system of corruption on which it feeds, is what he promised, but not really successful. For this reason, the American "system", of which the Democrats are today the perfect political representation, have sought to overthrow it, from the first day of its inauguration and even before, through an incredible and permanent trial in illegitimacy. It is believed, for example, a unique fact in American history, that Obama had him spied on by his own services between his victory and his assumption of office, in an attempt to prove his collusion with the Russians.

Nothing was lacking in the accusations, the humiliations, the harassment, the attempt to impeachment, the destruction of his image, the phony polls, the seditions of poor blacks manipulated by lobbies, censorship by TV and by Twitter for to win against her. Despite this, after four years of this regime, Trump is still on his feet, tougher, more virulent and combative than ever. Not only did the "great rejection movement" against him not work, but he is still "in the game", and he may manage to uncover the largest system of fraud and corruption that has ever seen him. been never set up.

Of course, if this fraud is proven, he will not succeed, in such a short time, in getting the judges to arbitrate in his favor. What he is looking for is that the evidence is sufficiently substantiated and manifest that the disputed states, by the deadline, cannot confirm their delegates, and therefore that neither of the two candidates reaches the quorum of 270. delegates. If so, the House of Representatives will decide the winner, but in a vote with only one voter per state. And, in this case, since the Republican states outnumber the Democratic states, it will be Trump who will come back. It's a game of poker, but it is possible, since it has already happened. The historic game is being played out before our eyes, and it will be at the last trick that it will be decided.


Donald Trump is a beast, a beast, an intuitive, an absolute political animal, of unimaginable energy and tenacity. There have been many more in history. We can even say that all those who have truly changed the course of history had, more or less, the same qualities of character. Caesar, Charlemagne, Bonaparte, Clemenceau, Franco, Stalin, Mao, Roosevelt, Churchill, de Gaulle, were basically made of the same metal: obsessed with a certain vision of the world, by the imperative need to achieve their ends, ends they considered legitimate, and with that a total lack of scruples on the means to be used to achieve them. In short, men of war.

We misinterpret Donald Trump's fight because we still think, bourgeois pacifists that we are, that we live in times of peace, while he thinks he is at war. If you think about it, is he wrong? For this reason, he fights like a starving man, and he will do so until the last day of the battle. If it is confirmed that the USA today is a country totally dominated by oligarchies and deeply corrupted, if it is true that the federal state is down, it takes an absolutely extraordinary leader to turn things around, because the task is titanic. And if there is one who has what it takes to defeat this Titan, it is precisely Trump.


If he does not succeed, or if he does not come back later, the "system" will quickly throw him into the garbage cans of history: he will be made a "loser" and an imbecile, incompetent and nefarious, and will forget it. But if he does, he won't just be the winner of an incredible campaign. He will remain, in the face of history, like Lincoln, the winner of the South, Roosevelt, the winner of the war, or Reagan, the winner of communism, as the winner of the progressive American oligarchy dominating the world, one of the greatest heads of state America and the world have ever known. But he will have to win this war first so that others, tomorrow, can reconcile the Americans. Trump knows all of this, and that’s why he is fighting and won’t give up until the last trick.

In light of that, if he succeeds, his cap of yellow hair, his rudeness, and his cranky demeanor won't matter. On the contrary, they will remain as the unforgettable feature of his character, along with the Tiger's or Stalin's whiskers, Churchill's alcoholic bulldog look or the General's Commander-in-Chief stature.

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