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Donald Trump's Soda Consumption Habits That Are Not Exemplary

Donald Trump's Soda Consumption Habits That Are Not Exemplary

Donald Trump's Soda Consumption Habits That Are Not Exemplary    Donald Trump apparently really likes diet coke or cola without sugar. According to a report from The New York Time, the American president can finish a dozen diet cokes in just one day. His passion for fizzy drinks is also experienced by many Americans, including one of his predecessors, Bill Clinton. He was often caught on camera holding Diet Coke along with cell phones and other items.

Donald Trump apparently really likes diet coke or cola without sugar. According to a report from The New York Time, the American president can finish a dozen diet cokes in just one day. His passion for fizzy drinks is also experienced by many Americans, including one of his predecessors, Bill Clinton. He was often caught on camera holding Diet Coke along with cell phones and other items. 

So, what happens to those who drink a dozen cans of this fizzy drink every day? Given the packaging label, this drink contains a mixture of aspartame sweeteners, as well as artificial and natural flavors. Several studies have shown that artificial sweeteners can actually increase a person's appetite and increase the desire to always consume sweet foods.

 This effect is related to aspartame, the sweetener most often used in diet drinks. Generally 30 minutes after drinking diet coke (which contains aspartame) or plain soda (with sucrose), the body reacts with similar concentrations of glucose and insulin. Susan Swithers, a professor of psychological science at Purdue University College of Health and Human Sciences, says that aspartame's effects are like a "seductive" to the body. "When the tongue tastes sweet, the body suspects that it will get sugar, or energy. But that expectation never appears," says Swithers, based on his research on diet soda consumption in animals. 

This will cause the body to think that sweetness is no longer a promising signal, so that the body's reaction to sweetness will change. Now, when the body gets real sugar, the blood sugar in the body will increase higher, and we will be tempted to add more. "Initially this will not have any effect. But over time, the cumulative effect may be strong, especially in humans," he said.

Looking at long-term studies in humans, Swithers noted that people who were accustomed to drinking artificial sweeteners had a higher negative health risk than those who consumed regular sodas.

The negative effects of soda include type 2 diabetes, hypertension and stroke, and dementia. Research from Boston University School of Medicine this year found that those who drank at least one can of soft drinks with artificial sweeteners every day had three times the risk of stroke caused by blood flow obstruction compared with those who avoided it. Those who drank a can of diet soda a day were also three times more likely to develop dementia than those who did not drink it. Other recent research has looked at the link between drinking diet soda and long-term changes in waist circumference in people aged 65 and over.

 Researchers from the University of Texas Center for Health Sciences found that drinking diet soda was associated with increased abdominal obesity, which in turn led to an increased risk of heart disease. Smiles can also be less attractive to those who drink too much diet soda. One study found that soft drinks - be they regular or dietary - caused the erosion of tooth enamel.

Additionally, research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found an increased risk of type 2 diabetes for women who drank more than 20 ounces - less than two cans - of sugary drinks each week. Meanwhile, 12 cans of diet coke actually contain excess caffeine. The Mayo Clinic reports that the safe limit for adult consumption of caffeine is equivalent to 10 cans of diet coke. Too much caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness, irritability and even abnormal heart rhythms. 

"But I still think it's a better choice (for Trump) than regular soda. If you drink regular soda, he will add 1,680 calories and add 468 grams of sugar from just this drink," said Lisa Drayer, nutritionist and health author. . One 12 ounce can of regular Coke contains 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar. In comparison, Diet Coke, which was inaugurated by the Coca-Cola Company in 1982, has zero calories and zero grams of sugar. 

You may also be surprised by the fact that the Coca-Cola Company was the first company to come up with the idea of ​​giving a discount. "If he can't cut down on soda completely, I would recommend that he replace at least half of his diet soda with water," advises Drayer. "And if plain water tastes fresh, he can always add fruit slices to it," he added. Donald Trump's eating habits are not worth emulating. In addition to consuming cola, the President of As is also fond of consuming fast food. Now Revealed, President Trump and His Favorite McDonald's Menu.

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