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Heartbreaking Testimony: This Is How Michael Jackson's Skin Color Cleared Up

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 Heartbreaking Testimony: This Is How Michael Jackson's Skin Color Cleared Up

Heartbreaking Testimony: This Is How Michael Jackson's Skin Color Cleared Up

The "King of Pop" explained in an interview why his skin stopped looking dark.

Michael Jackson is and will be recognized for many years to come as the undisputed "King of Pop." This almost mythical figure that surrounds him has caused great mysteries of his personal life to be amplified and maintained even several years after his physical departure.

One of the things that most surprised everyone while Michael Jackson was alive was the obvious change in the color of his skin. Well, the singer of "Thriller" was recognized as an artist with a dark complexion who later appeared with a very light complexion.

Heartbreaking Testimony: This Is How Michael Jackson's Skin Color Cleared Up

It is an interview done in 1993 with the presenter Oprah Winfrey, Michael revealed that the change in his skin color was never intentional but quite the opposite: it was the product of a disease that he described as "white spots" and that is now known as vitiligo .

"I can't control it, or understand it, it makes me very sad; I have to wear makeup because it makes spots on my skin."

Heartbreaking Testimony: This Is How Michael Jackson's Skin Color Cleared Up

Although the interpreter was annoyed at that time because he did not like to broach the subject, he clarified that the disease was inherited from his father and that as a result of the spots, he had to use a lot of makeup to match the skin tone .

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